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Psyllium Plantago

Psyllium originates from the husks of the seeds of Plantago Ovata. Plantago Ovata means literally “horse flower” and refers to the shape of the seed. The word can be found in the Persian language as a combination of the words “asb” and “ghol.”

The popular fiber source is also referred to as Ispaghula. The genus name of this herb is Plantago. Plantago Ovata grows to an average height of 30 to 46 cm. Numerous, tiny, white, flowering shoots arise from the base of the plant. These flowers typically appear about 60 days after planting. Tiny capsules hold the seeds that open when the plant is mature.
Psyllium plantago

Mucilage Content

Psyllium Plantago is produced in large quantities because of it high mucilage content.

Experts often use the term psyllium husk synonymously with Plantago seed mucilage.

Mucilage is described as gelling agents that are clear and colorless.

Most of the mucilage obtained comes from the seed coat, which is milled and ground in order to obtain the gelling agent.

Manufacturers can generally obtain 25 percent of the total weight of the seed coat in mucilage.

The volume of the seed coat expands 10 times, after it absorbs the water and forms a gel like substance.

Experts refer to the seed coat as hydrophilic because it attracts and binds to water molecules.

Plant Species

There are over 200 species in the Plantago species. Plantago psyllium is produced in European countries, as well as, India, Pakistan, and the Soviet Union. India produces most of the world’s psyllium and exports. The plants are also commonly known as plantains.

Although, the plants are not synonymous with the banana called plantain. The plants are herbaceous. The leaves possess three to five veins. Plantago or plantains are often the food source of the butterfly and moth.

The plants are indigenous to almost every region of the world. Explorers may find the plant in America, Asia, Australia, Africa, Europe and New Zealand. The plant thrives in moist to wet areas. Plantago are often found in seepages or bogs. Though often found in alpine and coastal areas, they are frequently seen on the side of the road.

History and Origin of Usage of Psyllium Plantago

Psyllium plantago has been used historically as a diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-toxic, antimicrobial, demulcent, styptic, laxative and an expectorant. The herb may also be applied topically for poison ivy, minor sores, insect bites, and boils. When the herb is ingested internally, it relieves coughs and bronchitis.

Urban Legends and Myths Associated with Psyllium Plantago

Other physicians and experts debate the validity of colon cleansing using detoxification diets that may include psyllium plantago. Physicians are stating that there is no conclusive evidence that these diets are effective. Physicians compare the colon to a self-cleaning system that will discard wastes on a periodic basis, if the proper foods are consumed.

However, other individuals argue that toxins build up over time, if the colon does not discard the contents properly. Therefore, the effectiveness of colon cleansing is up for debate. In the meantime, multiple individuals including celebrities participate in the practice to achieve a glowing complexion. Concerned individuals should consult a physician prior to cleansing the colon.

Psyllium Plantago has often been cited as curing snakebite in common folklore. But its validity has not been proven, conclusively.

Uses for Psyllium Plantago

According to a recent study 88 percent of Americans are not aware of the daily recommended allowance of fiber. Furthermore, only 10 percent of Americans get the recommended amount of fiber in their diets daily. Columbia Institute of Human Nutrition found this study to be true. In general, the average American only consumes about half of the daily recommended allowance of fiber.

American education regarding fiber is virtually non-existent in nearly half of Americans. A recent poll indicated American fiber miseducation. In 2005, nearly 50 percent of Americans believed that steak was high in fiber. Steak actually contains little or no fiber. One in five people do not know how much fiber they consume daily and 60 percent have never spoken to a physician about fiber.

A typical individual will gain the recommended daily fiber from the following sources

  • Dried Beans
  • Peas
  • Green Beans
  • Cauliflower
  • Flax Seed

Those who cannot consume these foods that are high in fiber should seek alternative sources. Psyllium is often suggested as a natural source of fiber.

Because of Psyllium’s high dietary fiber content, the plant is often used in laxatives. Popular products include Metamucil and Serutan. The plant has also been documented as a contributor in lowering cholesterol levels. Experts have cited some significant effects on the lowering of cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels. Manufacturers of cereals have often used this plant to produce cereals with high fiber and lower cholesterol levels. Heartwise cereals are an example of the types of cereals that contain the fiber-rich plant.

Other products that contain psyllium include the following

  • Bran Buds cereal
  • Fiberall
  • Effersyllium
  • Fybogel
  • Flea Seed
  • Hydrocil
  • Ispaghula
  • Ispaghula seed
  • Konsyl
  • Lunelax
  • • Minolest
  • Perdiem
  • Plantago Arenaria
  • Psyllion
  • Psyllios
  • Psyllium Husk
  • Psyllium Seed
  • Yerba Prima
  • Regulan

Based on scientific theories, other popular uses for Psyllium Plantago include the following

  • Abrasions
  • Abscesses
  • Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
  • Bladder disorders (cystitis)
  • Bleeding
  • Blisters
  • Boils
  • Bronchitis
  • Burns
  • Cancer
  • Cough
  • Demulcent
  • Diverticular disease
  • Duodenal ulcer
  • Dysentery
  • Excessive menstrual bleeding
  • Eyewash
  • Fecal (stool) incontinence
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Gallstones
  • Gout
  • Hearing damage
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • High blood pressure
  • Incontinence
  • Insect bites and stings
  • Intestinal ulcers
  • Liver disorders
  • Nose and throat irritation
  • Parasites
  • Poison ivy rash
  • Psoriasis
  • Radiation-induced colitis/diarrhea
  • Skin soothing
  • Sprains
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Urethritis
  • Wound healing (used on the skin)

Most people associate psyllium use with alleviating constipation. However, there are some other benefits to psyllium use as well. As mentioned in the list it is also useful in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and reduction of cholesterol. Psyllium may also reduce bleeding associated with hemorrhoids. Patients seeking relief from hemorrhoids should consume the product a minimum of 40 days. Oddly enough, experts are now studying the effectiveness of psyllium in patients suffering from diarrhea. Since psyllium improves stool bulking, it may also assist with problems associated with diarrhea. When psyllium expands and absorbs the water in the colon, the stool mass increases. This process allows the waste to pass from the body easily. Psyllium helps to keep the colon in balance by providing a food source for beneficial microbes to thrive. Less desirable microbes will become less prevalent in an environment that contains a healthy source of fiber.

The plant may also relieve symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome. However, more research must be done before the results are conclusive. Many physicians will recommend psyllium for colonoscopy preparation. A colonoscopy will test for irritable syndrome, colon cancer, and other colon related ailments. Psyllium is often present in the preparation enema before the exam. Patients are advised to completely empty the colon before undergoing the procedure. This process will allow the physician to view the colon lining to detect abnormal growths.

Experts are studying the benefits of psyllium rich diets in the cancer patients. Some earlier research has indicated that psyllium can, in fact, prevent colon cancer. More studies are being conducted to prove this finding conclusively. Studies have also been conducted to determine the effects of psyllium on blood sugar levels. Researchers do not have conclusive evidence, but it is believed to balance or regulate blood sugar levels in patients who suffer from fluctuations.

Experts also speculate that psyllium can assist with dilating the cervix to induce labor. While evidence indicates that psyllium does operate in this manner, further research must be conducted to prove this finding conclusively. Elevated blood sugar and lipid levels may play a role in obesity in children and adults. Recent evidence shows that psyllium may improve blood sugar and lipid levels. Therefore, psyllium may regulate the weight of children. More studies are being conducted to clarify the effects of psyllium on weight control in children and adults.

When psyllium is used externally, the plant can remove toxins from the body and reduce skin irritations and inflammations.

Variations of Psyllium Plantago

Plantago seed may come in several varieties, such as black, French or Spanish varieties. Plantago Ovata may be referred to as white or blonde psyllium.

Active Ingredients in Psyllium Plantago

The active ingredients found in psyllium supplements are dextrose, psyllium and psyllium husks. Most of the supplements are all natural. The dextrose is a sugar source.

Popular Forms of Psyllium Plantago

Psyllium is available in several forms. Each individual should find the source of fiber that is best for their system.

Several forms of psyllium are listed below

Green Sauce
Other Leafy Vegetables

Psyllium may also be consumed by patients as a supplement in powder form. A daily dosage of 7 grams taken with adequate amount of water is typically recommended. Psyllium may also be found in several cereals as a fiber source.

How Psyllium Plantago is Processed

Mucilage present in Plantago Ovata is obtained by grinding the husk or the seed coats. Asian Indians utilize this process to obtain mucilage from Psyllium Plantago. Each layer of each seed contains approximately 25 to 35 percent mucilage. The thin white membrane of the psyllium seed is the origin of the mucilage.

The production of mucilage involves a detailed and elaborate seed cleaning process. The psyllium husks are produced from raw seeds through the process of dehusking. Once the raw seeds are cleaned and polished, each of them are sent to special grinding mills to remove the husks of the seeds. The remaining material, after the dehusking process, consists of husk and kernel. This material is put through a massive sieve in order to remove the kernel. Blowers remove any remaining impurities from the husk. The process yields pure husks. Pure husks are the portion of psyllium plantago that contains the fiber material desired by manufacturers. The popular fiber source is available in a pill form, powder form or in the form of a cereal.

Psyllium Plantago Research

Psyllium research has been conducted at universities, such as Arizona and Washington State. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concludes that cereals rich in fiber are an effective part of a treatment for moderate hypercholesterolemia. Studies also show that when psyllium is combined with food products, it reduces blood glucose levels associated with diabetes. Though the long term effects of psyllium are not conclusive, the short term benefits are advantageous to most individuals.

Recommended Dosage for Psyllium Plantago

Adults are recommended to have a daily dietary fiber intake of 20 to 35 grams. This translates to 10 to 13 grams per 1,000 calories consumed each day. Psyllium is a recommended source of fiber. Psyllium must be taken with sufficient amounts of water in order to prevent obstruction of the bowel. Most physicians instruct patients to consume between 2.2 to 45 grams of psyllium internally. The typical intake of psyllium husks is 1 teaspoon (5 grams), three times per day to treat constipation. Some experts also suggest taking 2 to 6 teaspoons (10 to 30 grams) of whole seeds three times per day. Adults are recommended to stir the seeds or powder into a glass of water or juice. The mixture should be consumed before it thickens. Experts recommend consuming psyllium before meals. Always follow the instructions on the label in order to avoid any unpredictable results.

Children are instructed to take between 3.4 to 16 grams by mouth daily. However, more research is being conducted to establish the long term effects of psyllium in children’s diets.

Patients who know they cannot obtain the recommended daily allowance of fiber in their foods should seek a psyllium supplement. Psyllium supplements will allow individuals to achieve the recommended daily allowance of fiber without consuming the fruits and vegetables often needed for a healthy colon.

Potential Side Effects

Side Effects of psyllium plantago

Some individuals may experience allergic reactions when psyllium is contained in foods.

Allergic reactions may include anaphylaxis.

Some individuals, although rare, have reported an obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.

This typically occurs in patients who have received bowel surgeries or have anatomic abnormalities.

Obstructions may also occur if not enough water is consumed with products containing psyllium.

Patients afflicted with Parkinson’s disease have reported esophageal obstruction. Therefore, these patients should consult a physician prior to consumption. Patients who are diabetic should also consume psyllium under the advisement of a physician. Blood sugar levels may drop dramatically and cause other complications. Patients who experience chest pain, vomiting, or difficulty swallowing or breathing after consuming psyllium should seek medical attention.

Pregnant individuals should consume psyllium with caution. Psyllium is deemed safe during all thre trimesters of pregnancy. Although, psyllium is approved during pregnancy and breastfeeding, individuals suffering from complications in pregnancy should consult a physician.

Psyllium may delay bowel movements. The plant may also reduce the absorption of some drugs, as well as, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and supplements. Experts have cited instances of absorption problems with calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. Physicians recommend taking psyllium and other drugs a few hours apart to minimize any potential interactions.

Patients should exercise caution when using psyllium with other laxatives, such as senna. Expect an increase in fat excretion if psyllium and chitosan are taken together.
Physicians also recommend that psyllium be consumed separate of warfarin or Coumadin until further research is conducted. Currently, no side effects have been documented. However, physicians prefer to err on the side of caution.

Patients should seek advisement of a physician before taking psyllium with the following drugs or herbs

  • Anticoagulants
  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-Gout Agents
  • Anti-inflammatory Agents
  • Diuretics
  • Salicylates
  • Tetracyclines
  • Nitrofurantoin
  • Insulin
  • Lithium
  • Digoxin

Famous People who Use Psyllium Plantago

Individuals who are on the Atkins diet may consume Psyllium Husks to boost their dietary intake of fiber. The Atkins diet allows celebrities and others to consume an unlimited amount of protein, including meat, eggs, and cheese.

The diet limits foods that are high in sugar. These foods include carbohydrates such as, pasta, bread and fruit. The diet may also limit vegetable intake with a high glycemic index for a period of time as well. Because the diet is high in protein and limits the intake of carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables, many individuals on the diet do not receive their daily allowance of fiber.

Celebrities and others are encouraged to take a supplement to counteract this deficiency. Individuals who participate in the diet are encouraged to take 1 teaspoon of psyllium plantago per day.

Celebrities who have tried the Atkins diet include the following

  • Jennifer Anniston
  • Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Brad Pitt
  • Renee Zellweger
  • Cameron Diaz
  • L.L. Cool J
  • Gerri Halliwell
  • Robbie Williams
  • Stevie Nicks
  • Dennis Franz

Celebrities and others should keep in mind that psyllium is a fiber source and does not contain nutritional value. The diet works because individuals feel full and consume less food. Participants in the Atkins diet should be aware that long term elimination of fruits and vegetables may result in long term health problems.

Where the Product is Purchased

Psyllium is available through a variety of stores online and stores similar to GNC.

Product Costs and Discounts

Psyllium costs range based upon the form, the amount of the product, and the store from which it is purchased. Individuals can typically obtain psyllium in a pill form at a retail price between $10 and $20 dollars. The consumer will typically receive about 180 capsules with the purchase. Psyllium is also available in powder form.

The powder may sometime cost slightly more than the pill because of the number of servings that is included. The consumer can obtain 13.6 oz. of psyllium powder for just under $20 retail.

Discounts are offered to consumers in stores and via various websites. Some of the discounts may be as much as 50 percent depending upon the store. Consumers are advised to shop around online to determine the best deal prior to purchasing a psyllium product.






Feverfew Herb

The botanical name for feverfew is tanacetum parthenium, belonging to the family Compositae. Parthenium is a derivative from the Greek “pur”, meaning “fire”, which is testament to the spicy hot taste of the root of the plant, and also to the blisters which form if the leaves are chewed.

This herb is a preeminent member of the Chrysanthemum flower group. The word feverfew is a derivative of the Latin term febrifugia, which means “fever reducer”.
Feverfew Herbal Benefits
Feverfew grows abundantly in gardens as well as other open spaces, and has become acclimatized all through a large portion of Europe.

Since feverfew has been introduced into the United States it has become a popular plant for herbalists and gardeners alike, being grown both as a traditional medicinal herb and also as an ornamental garden plant. Feverfew spreads quickly, covering an extensive area in just a few years if left unattended.

Plant Description

A short perennial, feverfew will grow into a small, aromatic bush up to approximately 20 inches tall. It gives off a strong, bitter, citrusy odor from the leaves when touched. The bright yellowish-green, chrysanthemum-like leaves grow alternately on both sides of the stem, turning downward and having short hairs. If chewed, the leaves have a spicy hot flavor.

The small, daisy-like, bright white flowers are arranged in a tight, level cluster. The white flowers have flat yellow centers, not unlike those of a daisy. This perennial blooms between late spring to the first frosts (June to October), depending on location.

The cut flowers make a nice spring arrangement and will last for over a week if kept in water and out of the sun. The leaves can be mixed with dried wormwood to make a potent defense against moths.

Alternative Names

Feverfew is known in medical journals and encyclopedias by the botanical synonyms Pyrethrum parthenium and Chrysanthemum parthenium. Its common name is believed to have risen from the earlier name of featherfew, which referred to the feather-like leaves of the plant. Because of the plant’s efficacy in treating fevers, it became more commonly known as feverfew.

Other common names for feverfew include altamisa, bachelor’s button, bride’s button, chamomile grande, featherfoil, febrifuge plant, midsummer daisy, mutterkraut, nosebleed, wild chamomile, and wild quinine. The many common names of this plant attest to the many cultures and centuries of effective use.


The ancient papers of Greek physicians contain many references to feverfew. It has been used for hundreds of years by European folk healers to reduce or eliminate symptoms of headache, fevers, and reportedly arthritis. Early physicians also used the herb to treat menstrual disorders, stomachaches, toothaches, and even mundane insect bites. The many folk names of feverfew are proof that it has been known and used for centuries. It was also believed that the plant could act as an air purifier and ward off disease.

More recently, within the last 20 years or so, feverfew has been used by some herbalists and homeopathic doctors to treat migraine headaches. Secondary use is for arthritis and/or inflammatory symptoms or illnesses such as psoriasis.

Myths: True and False

A legend exists that feverfew saved the life of someone who fell from the Parthenon, a famous temple in ancient Greece. This is why parthenium is believed to be part of the botanical name.

A superstition reports that if feverfew is planted around homes it will purify the air and ward off disease. Since the pungent odor is offensive to bees, people used to carry branches to ward the bees off.

According to one very old text, feverfew should be “pulled from the ground with the left hand, and the fevered patient’s name must be spoken forth, and the herbalist must not look behind him.”

People Who Have Used It

Dioscorides, a Greek herbalist, treated arthritis with feverfew. Nicholas Culpepper, a famous English pharmacist, prescribed the plant for “all pains in the head”. Another celebrated herbalist, John Hill, used it to “cure the worst headaches”.

Habitat: Where and How It Grows

Feverfew is native to Eurasia, more specifically the Balkan Peninsula and the Caucasus, but has been transplanted to all of Europe, North America, the Mediterranean, Chile, and Australia. This perennial likes full sun, though it will grow in partial shade, and should be planted 15 to 18 inches apart. It can grow as high as 2 feet in ideal conditions. Feverfew is hardy to USDA zone 5 (-22 degrees Fahrenheit).

This perennial likes well-drained, manure-enriched soil, but will grow even in poor soil. The best time to plant is toward the end of April, after danger of frost has passed, but it can also be planted in the autumn. It may be propagated by seed (started in February, planted in April), by division (best accomplished in March, roots should be divided in 3 or 5 pieces), or by cuttings (cut the shoots, then put in a bed of slightly sandy soil; plant through the winter, October to May).


While the plants are young, watch for snails and slugs. Spray the plant with a cayenne pepper wash if slugs are a problem.

Feverfew seeds itself easily, and will grow outside the garden borders if left to itself. If planted in partial shade, the leaves will be darker than in full sun. If planted in a sheltered location, it will survive a mild winter uncovered and untended. After the first blooming, cut it back and a second blooming will occur late in the summer. In the fall it should be cut down to the ground.

It grows easily and quickly, making it ideal for filling in border and pathway gaps or to edge the driveway. It is a very pretty ornamental, and mixes well with other flower garden plants.

Parts to Use

The stems, leaves, and flowers can be used. Do not use the roots of this plant. The leaves can be eaten fresh to relieve headaches, but blisters in the mouth are a common side effect of utilizing feverfew in this way. Stems, leaves, and petals can be chopped and infused into a tea by steeping in water.

Chopped and mixed with alcohol, a tincture can be made, stored, and added by dropper as needed. A poultice can be made by sautéing the chopped herb in a little oil, then placing the sautéed contents into a clean towel, muslin, or cheesecloth for placement on the body.

Typical Uses


The most common current day use for feverfew is to reduce or eliminate headaches. Herbalists familiar with this plant have been known to remove a leaf from the plant and immediately chew it to get rid of a headache, though this isn’t recommended since it can cause blisters in the mouth.

Migraine headaches

A more violent form of headache, migraines have been successfully treated using feverfew. This is particularly helpful for people who do not react well to the prescription medications typically prescribed for migraines. Some ardent proponents tout the benefits of feverfew to prevent migraines, but the efficacy of this treatment has not been scientifically proven and so at this time is merely anecdotal.


Centuries-old annotations about the efficacy of feverfew on arthritis have been found in physicians’ texts. Feverfew’s anti-inflammatory properties have been used with good effect on arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis.

Fever reducer

This was a common use for feverfew until the last century or so, when the use of aspirin became widespread. Passionate traditional herbalists still prefer feverfew over aspirin. Homeopaths use this as a hot infusion to help sweat out the fever.

Menstrual cramps

This is a well-documented use for feverfew, as it soothes cramps and promotes regular menstrual flow. For this reason, it should not be used by any woman who suspects she may be pregnant.


This can be used for either a mild or a strong laxative, depending on how you use it.
Gas – The herb can be used to relieve gas and bloating, but too much will have the opposite effect.


Feverfew can be used to expel parasitic worms from the intestines.

A study in 2005 found that feverfew induces cell death in the stem cells of leukemia. Further studies on the efficacy of feverfew on cancer in general have not been released. Feverfew contains a goodly amount of melatonin, used for natural sleep. It also has GABAergic effect, and so is a mild depressant.

Most Common Forms

Feverfew can be home grown or purchased commercially. Popular supplement forms are available in fresh, freeze-dried, or dried regularly. It is available in capsule, tablet, fresh dried leaves (for tea) or in liquid extract forms.
Feverfew Herbal Uses
Most of the supplements have a standardized dose of parthenolide, which is believed to be the active compound in feverfew. A standard dose of parthenolide is between 0.2% and 0.4%. In extract form, a standardized parthenolide dose is 250 micrograms (mcg).

Be sure to read the label to verify percentage or micrograms of parthenolide. Although the stems, leaves, and flowers can be used medicinally, commercial versions of feverfew typically use only freeze-dried leaves.

Prepared extract should be stored carefully in the refrigerator. Normal temperatures have been shown to render some ingredients ineffective.

Typical dosage and usage regimen


Do not use feverfew on children under the age of 2. For older children, the adult dose should be adjusted based on the weight of the child. Adult doses are formulated for a person with an average weight of 150 lbs. Accordingly, if the child weighs 50 lbs. the correct dose would be one third of the recommended adult dose.


Migraine headaches

Use 100-300 mg. with a standardized 0.2-0.4% parthenolide, up to 4 times each day.

Migraine headache preventative

Using freeze-dried capsules, take 200-250 mg. per day. Some literature suggests that it can take several weeks to notice a significant improvement.

Inflammatory conditions

From 5-30 drops of tincture 4 times daily for arthritis or psoriasis.

As with any herb, start with a small dose to see how it affects you. For instance, if the recommended dose is between 100-300 mg. per day, begin with the 100 mg. and monitor for effect. Increase the dose as needed, but don’t just start with the largest dose.

Many people think “if one will do the job, three will do it better or faster”, but that’s not the case. Too much of any herb can cause unpleasant side effects. See below.

Popular brands available on the market

Feverfew is widely available both online and in many supermarkets. Some common brands include GNC and Nature’s Way.

Feverfew is also used by Aveeno, Neutrogena, Dermalogica, and Clean and Clear skincare brands to calm red and irritated skin and in a variety of beauty treatments.

Why It Works

The active ingredient in feverfew is considered to be parthenolide. For migraines, it is believed that feverfew inhibits the release of serotonin and prostaglandins, which are thought to aid migraine onset. This reduces inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, which in turn is believed to stop the blood vessel spasms which contribute to the headache.

Feverfew appears to inhibit the release of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in arthritic joints, which reduces inflammation. The herb’s ability to inhibit production of prostaglandins makes it useful to treat conditions such as psoriasis. It is also considered an anticoagulant, and so will keep blood clots from forming.

A study in 2005 found that feverfew induces cell death in the stem cells of leukemia. Further studies on the efficacy of feverfew on cancer in general have not been released. Feverfew contains a goodly amount of melatonin, used for natural sleep. Some other chemical and nutritional components include B-vitamins, beta-carotene, calcium, flavonoid glycosides, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, vitamin C, and zinc.

What It Has Been Proven To Do

Many studies and anecdotal evidence have proven that feverfew is effective in treating headaches, dysmenorrhea, poor menstrual flow, inflammation, asthma, and digestive problems. It is also used to good effect for insect and vermin bites, reducing the pain and swelling.

A non-medicinal use includes insect repellent (dilute with water and use as a spray).

Unproven Claims

Although anecdotal evidence and case reports abound, a scientific study of human subjects reported that feverfew was as ineffective as a placebo in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, the efficacy of feverfew in treating osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis has not been scientifically proven yet.

Legal Status

Feverfew is legal everywhere in the United States and around the world.

Potential Side Effects

Using herbs is a time-honored practice which predates modern medicine. Like medicines, however, herbs can cause side effects and can interact or interfere with prescription medications, other herbs, or supplements. All herbs, including feverfew, should be taken with caution and with the supervision or advice of a qualified herbalist.

The most often reported side effects include gastrointestinal distress, ulcers of the mouth, and antiplatelet actions. Other side effects include abdominal pain, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Also, people who have chewed the leaves have reported blisters of the mouth and temporary loss of taste. Swelling of the lips, tongue, or mouth have been reported.

Prior to Surgery

Because of the anticoagulant properties of feverfew, it should not be taken prior to surgery. Also, persons taking blood thinners or anticoagulants or have blood clotting difficulty, should completely avoid feverfew.

Pregnant Women & Children

It should not be used by pregnant women or women who are thought to be pregnant. Feverfew should also not be used by breastfeeding women, as it can transmit through breast milk to the infant.

Infants and children under the age of 2 should never be given feverfew.

Continuos Use & Allergy Information

If feverfew has been taken continually for a period of time, sudden discontinuation can cause withdrawal. Symptoms of withdrawal include headache, irritability, restlessness and difficulty sleeping, and joint pain.

Persons who have demonstrated an allergy to ragweed, chamomile, or yarrow are likely to have an allergy to feverfew as well and should avoid taking it.

Possible Interactions

Feverfew can alter or negate the effects of some prescription and/or over the counter medications. You should not use feverfew if you are taking any of the following medications: blood thinners such as aspirin, warfarin or coumadin, or NSAID medications. Some reports have indicated that feverfew can make NSAID medications ineffective. The reverse is also true.


Feverfew is relatively inexpensive. A bottle of 300mg. capsules, with 100 capsules in the bottle, can be found for as little as $4.00 or as much as $21.00, depending on where you purchase it.

Where You Can Find It

Feverfew may be purchased online at locations such as or, at vitamin stores such as GNC, or in supermarkets such as Publix or Walmart.