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Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash

Diaper rash

Introduction to Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is a fairly common symptom among newborn babies, infants and toddlers as they wear diapers. It mainly occurs when a wet diaper causes friction against the baby’s skin and irritates it enough to cause a rash.

Parents worry about their children’s health when they see diaper rash on their baby’s bottom and often have confusion about what to do about it.

Luckily, it is a temporary condition that is easily treatable and preventable for the future as well.

There are simple steps parents can take to reduce the inflammation and start the healing. Most remedies can be done at home and will not require any medications, unless it is a severe and unique case. Here are some common symptoms of diaper rash and easy tips to help baby feel better fast.


Diaper rash is most characterized as the appearance of a rash on the baby’s genital area. The skin will look tender, red and perhaps even puffy. You may notice red bumps as well. However, it is also common for babies of a darker complexion to get the same type of rash, but it will not always be red.

It can be lighter in color, or even more similar to their own skin tone. In addition to the genital area, the rash can also appear on the buttocks area and around the thighs. It can also be on the stomach and back of the baby. The bumps may bleed or ooze a little if the baby scratches it or there is a lot of friction. While a little bleeding is normal, anything more may indicate the onset of a secondary infection or a different type of skin condition.

Sometimes there is confusion with other skin conditions which can be more severe than diaper rash. While diaper and rash and another skin condition may occur at the same time, the more severe skin condition is often dismissed as diaper rash and not treated properly.

If the skin has blisters, open sores, patches of scabs with oozing fluids or moderate bleeding, these should be brought to the attention of your baby’s pediatrician for further treatment. This can be signs of eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis or other skin conditions. You should also contact your doctor if the diaper rash continues or worsens for a week or longer, despite treatments at home.

Causes and Risk Factors

Wet or Soiled Diapers

There are various causes and risk factors that may cause diaper rash on babies. Not every baby’s skin will react the same and therefore, have different triggers to getting diaper rash. The most common cause of diaper rash, however, is a wet or soiled diaper that has not been changed frequently enough. This can result in diaper rash in two ways.

The first way is caused by chafing of a wet diaper against a baby’s skin, causing irritation. The other way is the urine or feces causing a skin infection from being next to the skin for a long period of time. Some babies will get diaper rash if they are not changed within an hour, while others are more prone to a rash if the diaper is left on overnight.

When the baby starts to sleep through the night and does not require nighttime feedings or wakes up during the nighttime, diaper rashes are more common. Diapers are sometimes left unchanged on the skin for up to 8 hours. Fecal matter tends to be more irritating to the skin than urine. If they have diarrhea, it is even more risky for diaper rash to occur.

Bacterial Infection

A yeast infection or bacterial infection may occur when the diaper is left on for a period of time. The combination of a wet diaper and an enclosed space results in a moist environment that causes bacteria and yeast to grow.

This gets deposited on the skin, and if the diaper is not changed frequently, it will breed the infection, causing itchy bumps and red dots on the skin. This can be more painful than a diaper rash caused by chafing. The bumps can often be found in the creases of the skin, where moisture tends to collect.

Even though it might originate in the creases of the skin, it can spread to the rest of the genital area, buttocks and stomach and thighs. Yeast infections can also occur if the baby is on antibiotics since the medicine kills both good and bad bacteria. This can cause an imbalance of bacteria, which leads to a yeast infection.

Breast Milk and Formula

Another cause of diaper rash is the type of food the baby is eating or drinking. Breastfed babies tend to have less diaper rashes than formula fed babies, but it is possible. Sometimes it can be due to the type of food a mother is eating.

The baby might be allergic to foods like nuts or soy and are receiving trace amounts of this food in the milk. However, the breasts do a great job acting as a filter and this is not common. For babies who do use formula and get diaper rashes frequently, it might be due to an allergy.

Sometimes babies are lactose intolerant and require soy-based or another based formula instead. Switching from breast milk to a formula for the first time can also increase the rate of diaper rashes as well. Breast milk is made up of the perfect combination of nutrients for a baby and switching to formula can be difficult on baby’s digestive system and he or she might produce stools that cause irritation to the skin.

Different Foods

When it comes to solid food, such as pureed baby food and rice cereal, we see a higher rate of diaper rashes occurring. The age bracket for babies to start solid foods tends to be between 4-6 months of age. The reason why diaper rashes are more prevalent during this age period is due to the changes of diet for baby.

The stools become different as well. The changes in stool are foreign to baby’s body and can cause the skin to react negatively. As new foods are introduced within the first 12 months of age, the stool will change and stools can still pose a risk factor for diaper rash. In addition, the baby might also be allergic to the type of food he or she is trying as well.

Irritating Materials

Sometimes the type of diaper or wipes can be the cause of infection. Most diapers and baby wipes contain dyes and fragrances that can cause sensitive skin to break out. They also tend to be bleached in order to give the appearance of “clean”. These all can be irritants to a baby’s delicate skin, especially in the genital area that is particularly sensitive.

Other products that often contain unnecessary fragrances and dyes are baby lotions, baby powders, detergent and fabric softener. Even products that are marketed towards babies tend to have added substances that may smell great and look nice, but can be harmful to baby’s bottom. Even baby clothing can be the source of a diaper rash or other types of rashes because of the type of material used, pesticides used in the cotton, or the detergent that it was washed in.

Neglect or Abuse

Sometimes a parent or caregiver can be neglectful and leave a baby with an unchanged, soiled diaper for hours at a time. This is different than leaving a diaper on overnight or by accident, because of certain circumstances. Neglect or abuse is intentional and demeaning to a child.

A diaper rash may be just one of many problems the baby is having if he or she is suffering from abuse or neglect. Just to be clear, not all diaper rashes are due to abuse or neglect. However, if you do suspect this is occurring, be sure to report it immediately. This can also be an occurrence among adults who wear adult diapers or incontinence problems.

Although this article focuses on diaper rashes on babies, many of the causes, concerns and treatments can be applied toward adults as well. If you are an adult who is a recipient of neglect or abuse, seek emergency assistance as soon as possible. This can be done by contacting the police or a trusted adult.

Prevention Options and Treatment

Prevention Options and Treatment

The prevention options and treatment of diaper rash tend to be the same types of methods. These include changing the diaper routinely, using gentle products and being aware of the foods baby is eating.

There are also a few steps you can take to treat the rash when it occurs, but will not necessarily prevent future occurrences. Each of these methods will be discussed in greater detail.

They are also very easy to do and can be done in the convenience at home. It requires simple changes in your routine that are beneficial to the child. Best of all, most of the treatments are free or low-cost to you, especially in the long run.

Frequent Changes

When it comes to preventing and clearing diaper rash, the number one thing you can do for your baby is change him or her on a regular basis. In a newborn baby, it is normal to expect 1-3 wet diapers a day. Their stools will also look sticky and dark. Within a few days, you should see 3-4 wet diapers a day, as well as regular bowel movements.

Breastfed babies tend to have a mustard-color, seedy diaper, which is completely normal. Formula fed baby’s stools tend to be darker, which is normal as well. By the 6th day, expect 6-8 wet or soiled diapers a day. As the baby turns 4 weeks of age, it is common to have 4-6 wet diapers a day, with about half of those being bowel movements.

Breastfed Babies

It is important to note that breastfed babies can sometimes have less bowel movements than their formula-fed counterparts. As the child becomes a toddler, wet diapers may increase, as well as the amount of urine during each wet cycle. However, the bowel movements tend to decrease as low as once a day or sometimes less. Although these are the average guidelines, baby’s frequency of wet and soiled diapers can be different. Talking with a pediatrician about frequency concerns can also be helpful.

With these frequency rates in mind, you can get a feel for how often your baby may need changing. Usually you will be able to detect a dirty diaper just by the scent, but if that is not the case, it would be a good idea to check once an hour when they are infants, except when you are both sleeping.

Stool Characteristics

Babies who are fed a strictly breastfed diet tend to have stools that are less smelly in nature as well, so it is a good idea to check them frequently for bowel movements. Diapers have evolved so that the technology in the material pulls moisture away from baby’s skin and absorbs it into the gel beads in the diaper.

What this means for you, as the parent, is not being able to always tell if a baby has a wet diaper. It may appear and feel dry to the touch, when in fact, underneath the layer of material are wet pellets. This new technology can also mask odors, making it harder to detect a diaper that needs changing.

Some diapers have added a line of blue to the inside bottom of the diaper than turns green when urine touches it. This can be helpful to see if your baby needs changing.

Technology in Treatments

It is similar to the technology used in training pants that help toddlers know when they need to change.
You will begin to get a feel for your baby’s changing routine. You might notice that they have more wet diapers at a certain time of the day or night, but less frequent as another portion of the day.

This is good because it means your baby will be changed regularly and will be less prone to getting a diaper rash. At the same time, if they already have a diaper rash, it would be a good idea to change even more frequently than before.

While they may have been able to stay in a wet diaper for an hour before, it would be best to change them even faster than that so you can be assured their bottoms will always be dry and placed next to a clean diaper, helping them heal faster.

Diaper Rash Applications:

There are a plethora of diaper rash ointments, creams and applications sold for babies. These can be helpful for parents on the go, but are not necessary and can actually make the infection worse. There are certain symptoms you should look for before applying diaper rash cream.

First of all, if there are any open wounds or bleeding, you do not want to apply cream. The reason behind this is because the cream will get into the cuts and can cause a bacterial infection. It also hinders the skin from healing because it is being blocked by the cream.

If you are out and about and do not have the option of letting their bottom dry, using diaper rash creams can be a short-term option. Breast milk applied to the rash is used in many countries where diaper rash creams are not an option and are costly. This is a free and natural way to heal the skin.

Letting the Skin Dry

Moisture is what caused the problem and the use of creams and such does not allow the rash to dry. After changing the baby, let him or her be naked for awhile, as long as it is not a cold environment. Getting some air to the body is actually a great way to dry the skin and start the healing.

If you are worried about the baby peeing, the use of a loose cloth diaper can come in handy. You can make your own using used clothing such as old t-shirts or soft flannel. Some parents switch to cloth diapers all together to save money and prevent diaper rash. In some cultures, this is the norm and is a gentle way to take care of the baby.

Colloidal Oatmeal

In order to ease the pain from a diaper rash, a warm soak in colloidal oatmeal will do the trick. Colloidal oatmeal works in two ways. It sooths the pain and it dries the skin. As mentioned before, we want to remove the moisture and drying actually helps heal the skin.

You can let the baby sit in the bath for 10 minutes and just enjoy the water. Be sure to dry them gently and thoroughly afterward. A box of 10 packets of colloidal oatmeal from Aveeno will cost you around $5.


When it comes to foods that cause irritation to the baby, there is no clear cut set of instructions to follow, except to notice which foods cause diaper rashes or an allergic reaction or not. Introduce one food at a time in order to always be aware of how the baby’s body reacts to each one. If you suspect allergies, talk with the baby’s pediatrician for further information.

Switching Products

Switching the types of products you use can make a difference in the way your baby’s skin reacts to products. Nearly every brand, from Huggies to Pampers sells a line of their diapers and wipes that are fragrance free and dye free. Other brands, such as Seventh Generation and White Cloud are void of fragrances all together.

Seventh Generations goes even further by not bleaching their diapers or wipes and uses organic materials. With the exception of White Cloud, each of these diapers and wipes cost more than regular diapers. Switching to fragrance free products such as lotions and detergent cost about the same as the ones you have already been using and are available in generic brands as well.

You can also switch out your baby powder for cornstarch which is gentler to the skin and does not have added substances to it and is still used by various Native American tribes today.






Sweating Disorder

Sweating ProblemsRemedies for Hyperhidrosis

Not many of Americans have been there. A handshake upon walking into a job interview that you are dreading because you know your palms will be sweaty.

Or you find the perfect dress to wear on your night out on the town, but you know you can’t purchase it because it will show sweat stains. Maybe you’ve been walking a long distance to your car on a hot day only to have your flip-flop slide off because your feet are soaking wet.

As a child you constantly found your homework ripping from the moisture. You don’t talk to your friends and family about it because you find it embarrassing, or even gross.

Instead you furiously wipe your hands before going into that interview; you wear black quite often because it is the one color that won’t show sweat; and you find yourself wearing boots in the summer because you know that others won’t be able to see that your feet are dripping with sweat.

Only approximately 2% to 3% of the world’s population is affected by this condition, and out of those few people only 40% attempt to remedy the situation and seek treatment. What the other 60% fail to realize is that they are not alone, and a medical condition is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Living with hyperhidrosis, more commonly known as excessive sweating, may not be easy, but it is possible. While the sweating is often uncontrollable when not treated, following a proper treatment plan can and will help you in the prevention of embarrassing sweat moments.

Types of Hyperhidrosis

The most common form of hyperhidrosis is Palmar hyperhidrosis, commonly referred to as sweaty palms. It is also one of the most noticeable as having sweaty palms can create difficulties in living ones day-to-day life. Social situations can become awkward, and even functioning in ones job can be affected by this condition.

Imagine someone who spends all day at a computer and is responsible for excessive typing. Having to constantly stop working and try their hands to keep from affecting the keyboard not only slows down their work, but also draws attention to their situation.

The majority of patients suffering from Palmar hyperhidrosis will most likely also suffer from Plantar hyperhidrosis, or excessive foot sweating. While Plantar hyperhidrosis is not as noticeable as Palmar, it can also create difficulties in a patient’s life. Your shoes can become ruined after being soaked with sweat on a daily basis. Wearing shoes that others don’t have to even think twice about like sandals or flip-flops is a distant dream.

Absorbing Moisture

Wearing heels can be difficult unless knee-highs or pantyhose are worn to absorb some of the moisture to keep the shoes from sliding around while walking. Unlike Palmar hyperhidrosis, Plantar can also cause an embarrassing odor that would be noticeable to anyone around when shoes are removed, even if the person is wearing socks.

Axillary hyperhidrosis, known as armpit sweating, is the third type of hyperhidrosis that can affect an individual. While everyone has armpit sweating in some fashion, approximately 1% of the population actually has excessive, dripping, constant under arm sweating.

While 99% of the population can control their under arm sweating with over the counter deodorants and antiperspirants, those who suffer from Axillary hyperhidrosis are immune to the ingredients in these remedies. Like Plantar hyperhidrosis, most of those who suffer from Axillary hyperhidrosis also suffer from Palmar hyperhidrosis.

Facial Sweating

An additional type of hyperhidrosis is Facial Sweating and Blushing. It mostly exists as an added symptom of either Palmar, Plantar or Axillary hyperhidrosis and rarely exists on its own.

This can also be one of the more noticeable and embarrassing symptoms of hyperhidrosis, because while you can hide your hands or your feet, amd plan your clothing around under arm sweating you can’t hide your face from those around you. An added embarrassment is when a female is wearing makeup.

You cannot control the sweating, and what once was a perfect look is turned into a sweaty mess complete with running foundation, with nothing that can be immediately done to stop it from occurring.


While it is not necessarily the same as sweating, facial blushing, also known as Erythrophobia is also considered a part of hyperhidrosis. While most people experience some form of blushing at one time or another, Erythrophobia can pop up in the most unexpected time and places.

It will change the skin tone of your face, and when the condition is aggravated, the blushing can spread to the neck and chest areas. The most common occurrence is in social situations, especially those that are most important to the person involved.


The most common and noticeable symptom of hyperhidrosis is a simple one: excessive sweating. The majority of those who suffer from hyperhidrosis begin to notice the symptoms during late childhood and their early teen years. While one may not necessarily feel themselves sweating in their feet or under arms, stained clothing and foot odor can also be considered a symptom of the condition.

If one consistently has smeared ink when submitting handwritten papers, they could possibly be suffering from hyperhidrosis. Or if you are sweating through clothing in the dead of winter, it is most likely caused by hyperhidrosis.


One of the most commonly asked questions of hyperhidrosis patients is “what causes this?” followed by “is there anything I could have done to prevent it?” The answer, in a nutshell, is no. Sweating is essential to the body in order to help it stay cool. However, hyperhidrosis can sometimes be a result of a more prominent medical condition and is then referred to as secondary hyperhidrosis. This sweating can either take place all over the body, or remain concentrated in one specific area.

Some examples of conditions that can cause secondary hyperhidrosis are anxiety conditions, cancer, heart disease, lung disease, menopause, a stroke, hyperthyroidism and many other serious conditions.

But for the most part, the root cause of hyperhidrosis remains a mystery to doctors even today. The most commonly known cause is simply referred to as overactive sweat glands. Excessive sweating can be triggered by nerves, embarrassment, anger or fear; however to those who suffer from hyperhidrosis, the excessive sweating happens even without such triggers.

Odd Sweating Outbreaks

Even an evening watching one’s favorite television show can lead to an outbreak of sweating, leading to both physical and emotional discomfort. History and research have disproved the theory that anxiety, embarrassment or fear caused hyperhidrosis, as studies proved that those with the condition experienced excessive sweating even in periods of calm.

Sweating Theories

The most commonly agreed upon cause of hyperhidrosis is simply genetics. Those whose parents experienced some excessive sweating in their teenage years can also expect to experience it themselves.

Another belief is that teens going through puberty can experience an onset of excessive sweating as a result of a physiological reaction to their introduction to adulthood. In the same sense, women who are experiencing menopause can also find themselves suffering from hyperhidrosis, as their body reacts to the changes it is going through, much like those teens going through puberty. Reactions to certain foods and obesity have also been known to trigger an onset of excessive sweating.


While hyperhidrosis is not necessarily a serious or deadly disease, it is not without its risks. Most outsiders see the condition as more of a nuisance than something serious, however when an onset occurs, things could actually turn dangerous. Many people suffering from Palmar hyperhidrosis have difficulty driving when their condition is triggered, as their hands may slip from the steering wheel.

Those suffering from hyperhidrosis can also suffer from fungal nail infections, bacterial infections, athlete’s foot or jock itch, as the excessive sweating also releases excessive toxins and bacteria onto their bodies, which gets trapped between the skin and their clothing, with no room to breathe.

Testing and Diagnosis

Testing and Diagnosis of Sweating Problems

The first step in diagnosing hyperhidrosis is to schedule a visit with your doctor.

While the majority of general care physicians will recommend scheduling a visit with a dermatologist, as they will have the most advanced knowledge and treatment options, a primary care physician, however, can rule out any additional serious conditions that could cause one to suffer from secondary hyperhidrosis.

After scheduling your initial appointment, keep track of when an onset occurs. The doctors will need to know this in order to proceed with the proper method of treatment.

Once you have discussed your symptoms with the doctor, most will have you undergo the paper test. During the paper test, a certain type of paper specifically designed for the purpose is placed at the location of your excessive sweating.

As you continue to sweat, the paper absorbs and is weighed to determine exactly how much sweat you produced and if you are indeed producing enough sweat to be considered a hyperhidrosis patient.

If you are looking for an at home diagnosis before you make a doctor’s appointment, you can try the iodine-starch test. One would need to apply iodine to the area they feel is producing the excessive sweat. Once the iodine has dried, starch is then applied on top of the iodine. If the area turns blue, then it is likely you are suffering from hyperhidrosis.

Methods of Prevention

While it is impossible to entirely prevent hyperhidrosis from affecting you, there are some things that you can do to lessen the impact the symptoms will have on your day-to-day life. Many feel that the excessiveness of the sweating can be caused by the food you eat.

Foods that contain caffeine, as well as smoking cigarettes containing nicotine, can act as stimulants and increase the amount of perspiration from your body. In addition, foods such as garlic, onion and fish are believed to have an affect your body odor, which can increase the awareness others may have of your condition.

Also, if you are suffering from Axillary hyperhidrosis, it is recommended that you share under arm hair regularly, as the thickness of the hair can provide a breeding ground for odor creating bacteria.


When you begin treatment for hyperhidrosis, the first thing the doctor will have you do is try an extra strength antiperspirant such as Drysol. In most cases, Drysol is available via prescription, and cost will vary depending on your insurance carrier’s policy.

It is a lotion in the form of aluminum hydrochloride, and unfortunately seems to cause more sweating than relief to most patients, as lotion usually accelerates the condition.

If the Drysol does not work, doctors usually have one of two options for the next step, depending on the patient. The first would be Oral Anti Hyperhidrosis Medications, mostly likely a medication that is used to treat other conditions that doctors have found to be successful in treating hyperhidrosis.


The medications work by sending a specific neurotransmitter to interfere with certain receptors that play a role in the production of sweat. These medications usually include Robinul, Ditropan and Propantheline, and while they prove successful for some patients, others either do not have success or discontinue them due to side effects such as blurry vision and dry mouth. Like Drysol, these medications are available via prescription and costs will vary depending on the patient’s insurance carrier.


The other option is to have Botox injections at the sites of hyperhidrosis. In fact, most insurance companies are now demanding that patients try Botox injections before they will agree to pay for the next step of treatment. Botox is a temporary fix, and if it does work for you, multiple injections will be required as the effects begin to wear off.

To be continuously effective, Botox must be administered every six to twelve months. Treatments can be quite painful, and expensive because although insurance will cover partial costs, the frequency in which it is required can become costly.


If none of the options have worked for you, the final option is a new and permanent solution: Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS). While this is a relatively new and unknown type of procedure, it appears to be the only option for a permanent treatment for hyperhidrosis.

ETS, while safe and effective, is still a surgery, performed under general anesthesia. Incisions are made under both armpits and the nerves relating to overactive sweating are clamped, thus decreasing the likelihood the patient will continue to have severe problems. However, only approximately 50% of patients have shown improvement, while the rest have gone through the procedure only to have the same problems as they did before.

Living with hyperhidrosis is not an easy task, and it is a condition that you will most likely never win the full battle with and go on to live your life without it. But with the proper treatment, preventative measures, you can make life more bearable while technology advances to create possibly more permanent solutions in the future.




Low Blood Pressure

What is low blood pressure?

Low blood pressure, also called hypotension, occurs when the force of the blood pushing against the walls of arteries is lower than it should be.

When this happens, the heart is not pushing the blood out with enough force for it to get to the entire body, and crucial organs may not receive an adequate blood flow.

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). There is a systolic and a diastolic measurement involved when calculating blood pressure.


The systolic measurement is the force of blood when the heart is contracting and the diastolic measurement is the force of blood when the heart is relaxed and the arteries are contracting. A normal blood pressure is somewhere around 120/80 mmHg.

Anything under 90/60 mmHg is considered hypotension.

There are a few different types of low blood pressure. Different types are given different names depending on causes and factors of hypotension. The different types are postural or orthostatic hypotension, postprandial hypotension, neurally medicated hypotension, and multiple system atrophy with orthostatic hypotension.

Low blood pressure

Postural or orthostatic hypotension is a sudden drop in blood pressure that many people over 65 years old experience upon standing up from a sitting or lying down position.

It is commonly a result of various medications, especially antidepressants.

Neurally mediated hypotension is also a type of hypotension that occurs upon standing after sitting or lying down, but it is more common in young people.

It is suspected to be a miscommunication between the heart and brain. Nerves in the heart tell the brain that the body’s blood pressure is too high instead of too low, so the brain compensates by lowering the blood pressure even more.

Nervous Systen Damage

Multiple system atrophy with orthostatic hypotension is low blood pressure due to nervous system damage. It is also called Shy-Drager syndrome. This disease causes damage to the body’s autonomic nervous system (ANS).

The ANS controls most of the subconscious functions of the body, including blood pressure. The main characteristic of the disease is a severe drop in blood pressure upon standing as well as very high blood pressure when lying down.

Postprandial hypotension is a drop in blood pressure 30 to 75 minutes after eating a big meal. After eating big meals, a lot of blood is sent to the intestines to help with digestion and absorption and the body should compensate by increasing its cardiac output. If compensation does not occur, postprandial hypotension does.

What are common symptoms of low blood pressure?

Normally the thing to people worry about is hypertension, or high blood pressure. Low blood pressure does not seem all that dangerous, and if there are no symptoms of low blood pressure, it usually isn’t a problem. If symptoms are present, however, it can signal a bigger problem than just low blood pressure. Symptoms can vary from person to person.

Common symptoms are

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Fainting
  • Seizures

Other symptoms can be present but are usually caused by whatever is causing the low blood pressure, not the low blood pressure itself.

Those symptoms include

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • High fever (above 101 °F)
  • Foul smelling urine
  • Stiff neck
  • Fatigue
  • Temporary blurring or loss of vision
  • Dysuria, which is painful urination
  • Dysphagia, which is difficulty in swallowing
  • Headache
  • Severe upper back pain
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Prolonged diarrhea or vomiting

What causes low blood pressure?

Hypotension can be caused by many different things.

Here is a list of the common causes

Pregnancy. Many women experience low blood pressure during pregnancy. This is usually normal and will generally return to a good pressure after they have given birth.
Heart Problems. If a person’s heart rate is extremely low, if they have heart valve problems, or have a history of heart attacks or heart failures, there is a good chance they will have a low blood pressure because the heart is not pumping efficiently enough to get a good blood supply everywhere.
Hormonal problems. If a person has an underactive or overactive thyroid, diabetes, or high or low blood sugar, they may experience hypotension.
Dehydration. Even a small amount of dehydration can have a negative effect on blood pressure.
Severe infection known as septicemia. Septicemia is what happens when an infection enters the bloodstream. It can cause low blood pressure.
Severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is caused by common triggers such as food, medications, insect venoms and latex. It is very severe and can be fatal.
Lack of nutrients in diet. Vitamin B12 and folate are essential nutrients that can cause anemia which causes low blood pressure.

Am I at risk for low blood pressure?

Certain people are more at risk for low blood pressure than others. Risk factors include age, medications, and certain diseases.

Age can play a part in hypotension. Adults over the age of 65 are more prone to orthostatic hypotension. Younger adults are more prone to neutrally mediated hypotension.

Certain medications can lower a person’s blood pressure. One situation where medication can cause low blood pressure is when a person overdoses on high blood pressure drugs. Believe it or not, too much of a medication meant to make blood pressure go up can actually make it go down.

Other medications that cause low blood pressure are beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, angiotension-converting enzyme inhibitors, nitrates, drugs for Parkinson’s disease, antipsychotic drugs, neuroleptics, anti-anxiety agents, sedative-hypnotics, and tricyclic antidepressants.

Certain Diseases can also be risk factors for hypotension. Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, and heart conditions can all cause low blood pressure.

What can I do to prevent low blood pressure?

There are many ways to prevent hypotension. A healthy diet can go a long way in helping to prevent low blood pressure. A diet rich in grains, vegetables, fruits and lean chicken and fish is great when dealing with and preventing this problem.

Small, low-carb meals many times during the day are better than three large meals. Also, limit alcohol consumption and drink lots of water. Salt is also a good way to moderate blood pressure. It is important to have enough salt, but not too much. Too much salt leads to high blood pressure, not enough salt leads to low blood pressure. It is crucial to get just the right amount.

How is low blood pressure diagnosed?

A doctor may run a few different tests when a patient shows signs of low blood pressure. His ultimate goal is to find out the underlying cause of the hypotension, which can be more serious than the hypotension itself. Here is a list of the tests a doctor may do:

Blood Pressure Test

The doctor will first do a blood pressure test. This test is a simple, routine test done by inflating a cuff on the upper arm and listening with a stethoscope to the brachial artery for the pressures when the heart is contracting and when it is relaxing. This pressure is shown on a pressure-measuring gage.

Blood Tests

If the blood pressure test shows low blood pressure, the doctor may order blood tests. Blood tests will tell the doctor if the patient has high or low blood sugar or a low number of red blood cells. Any of those factors can be the reason for low blood pressure.

Heart Tests

The doctor may also order a few tests that will analyze the heart of the patient, such as an electrocardiogram or an echocardiogram. Both are noninvasive tests, the first can detect irregularities in a heartbeat as well as any abnormalities of the heart and blood or oxygen supply problems with the heart. The echocardiogram is basically an ultrasound of the chest.

It shows an image of the heart’s structures and function. Both of these tests can tell the doctor if the heart is causing the low blood pressure. Another test done to test the heart is a stress test. It is often easier to diagnose a heart problem when the heart is working hard instead of when it is at rest. The patient will do some kind of exercise and may be given medication to make his or her heart work harder. The patient’s heart will then be monitored by an electrocardiogram or an echocardiograph, or by a blood pressure test.

Valsalva maneuver

This is also a noninvasive test which will check how well the autonomic nervous system is working. It analyzes the ANS by watching the heart rate and blood pressure after several cycles of deep breathing.

Tilt table test

Another test a doctor may do is the tilt table test. This is done if the patient has neurally mediated hypotension. During this test, the patient lies on a flat table that is then tilted so the upper part of the body is raised to simulate moving from a horizontal to standing position. This will evaluate how the patient’s body reacts to changes in position.

How can I treat low blood pressure at home?

If a patient is diagnosed with hypotension, there are many different ways to treat it. Some of the treatments are similar to the preventative measures taken, such as using more salt and drinking more water. A risk of increasing salt is that if it is increased too much, hypertension may occur. Altering the diet may be the cheapest and one of the easiest ways to treat low blood pressure, but it may not be the most effective.

Because a poor diet can cause low blood pressure, there are some supplements and herbs that can be taken to raise blood pressure. Vitamins B, C and E are all important to any diet, especially when trying to get a good blood pressure. Vitamin B plays a role in supporting the functions of adrenal gland. Only 300 mg/day of Vitamin B should be taken, anymore than that can cause problems.

Vitamin C helps to maintain the strength of the blood vessel walls. Too much vitamin C (more than 2000 mg/day) can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, kidney stones, and insomnia. Vitamin E helps to improve the supply of oxygen within the cellular machinery. Vitamin E in excess of 800 mg/day however, is suspected to raise the risk of death by 10%.

Strengthen Your Defense

If hypotension is caused by weak thyroid glands, there are some thing that can be taken to help strength them. The seaweed Kelp is one thing that helps the thyroid gland. If more than 2000 mcg/day is taken however, it can be harmful to the thyroid.

Bee pollen can help increase the functioning of all endocrine glands which will in turn raise blood pressure. Bee pollen does have side effects though and can induce nausea or an upset stomach, and some people can have an allergic reaction to it.

Most of these supplements and vitamins can be purchased for a fair price online or at a local drug store.

What herbs can I use to treat low blood pressure?

An herb that can increase the functioning of the endocrine glands is hyssop. When taken with kelp, blood pressure can be raised when the supplements stimulate the glands in the body and relieve other physical symptoms that come with hypotension. A side effect of hyssop is that it can cause nausea and diarrhea as well as dizziness in some people.

Another herb that can be taken is rosemary leaves. The leaves should be steeped in red wine, and one tablespoon can be taken every day to raise blood pressure.

Other herbs that can help are Siberian ginseng, the root of the goldenseal herb, the root of ginger, spirulina, and ginkgo biloba. To fortify the heart, supplements like the hawthorn berry and garlic can be taken. When the heart is fortified, it will in turn lower blood pressure. Any of these herbs can cause allergic reactions, have mild side effects, or react with other medications that are being taken.

Some of these herbs can be hard to find locally, but most can be purchased as supplements online for under $10 per bottle. When looking for fresh herbs, the price will be a little bit higher and harder to find.

How can I treat low blood pressure using medicine?

There are two types of drugs commonly used to regulate low blood pressure. They are Flurodrocortisone and Midodrine.

The drug fludrocortisone helps to boost the blood volume of the person suffering from low blood pressure which will then raise the blood pressure. Flurodrocortisone is a type of steroid which is derived from the hormones cortisol and aldosterone. This drug may decrease the body’s natural immune system and may make it easier for the patient to contract infections and disease.

It can alter moods, cause confusion, nightmares, difficulty sleeping, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. It should not be stopped suddenly as the body grows used to having the drug and needs to be weaned off slowly. The drug can cause swelling, high blood pressure, headaches, low potassium levels, depression, weight gain, and many other side effects. Doctors should work with patients to be sure the benefits of the drug outweigh the risks.


Midodrine is another drug that can be prescribed to help cure hypotension. It restricts the ability of blood vessels to expand, which raises blood pressure. Midodrine also has some side effects. Some people have allergic reactions to the drug which can cause a shortness of breath, hives, closing of the throat, swelling of the lips, face, or tongue, or a rash.

Another serious side effect is an irregular heartbeat. A doctor should be contacted immediately if either of those two things happens. Other less serious side effects are itching of the skin, increased need to urinate or difficulty urinating, felling of pressure inside the head, dryness of the mouth or anxiety.

Medication prices will vary depending on what type of insurance the person suffering from low blood pressure has. Generally, medications will be more expensive than natural remedies.






Treating Acne Problems

Acne is a disorder that effects 80% of people between the ages of 11 and 30. This disease is caused by the overproduction of sebum in the glands beneath the skin, which in turn become irritated and create unsightly blemishes or pimples. There are many types of pimples:

  • Whiteheads
  • Blackheads
  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Nodules
  • Cysts

Whiteheads are just underneath the surface of the skin while blackheads rise to the top and have a dark hue. Papules and postules are similar, both red or pink and tender. Nodules and cysts are the most serious of blemishes, and are deep within the skin and often very painful. All of these blemishes can be sensitive to light, touch or products, and are known to affect self confidence and appearance.
Acne Causes and Types

Other Names

Other names for acne include “breakouts”, “zits”, or “pimples.” Primarily affecting teenagers, acne can be embarrassing and hard to get rid of. Adult onset acne is becoming increasingly more common due to increased hormones in food and other outside factors.

People have been known to have acne breakouts well into their 40s or 50s, even if they did not experience acne as a teen. Acne is the most common skin disease in the world and effects people of all races and ethnicities.


Acne can come in many forms. Symptoms may include red and irritated bumps or blemishes, oily skin, and whiteheads or blackheads. Notoriously hard to define, this skin disease covers so many bases it is often hard to diagnose and therefore difficult to treat.

With many causes and outward manifestations, acne is a tricky disease to monitor and should be treated under the care of a dermatologist.

Other visible symptoms include redness or swelling of the skin, round bumps protruding from underneath the skin, and excessive oil. Those with acne tend to have it mostly on their face, but some cases are severe enough that the acne spreads throughout the skin. Sometimes this means blemishes appear on the back or chest, which are particularly hard to treat.


There are many proposed causes for acne. No one knows for sure what does and doesn’t affect its rate of appearance or severity, but some things are universally agreed upon as causes.


Secreting various levels of testosterone and estrogen, hormones are made by the large glands throughout the body. These hormones effect everyone differently, but excessive levels of some may lead to symptomatic diseases, such as acne. These hormone levels are known to fluctuate greatly during the periods of puberty and menopause in women.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills actively effect the levels of hormones coursing throughout the body, so beginning or stopping a regimen can adversely affect the skin and cause a woman to develop acne.


Another cause of severe hormone fluctuation, pregnancy causes many women to develop blemishes or pimples due to increased levels of gender specific hormones coursing through their bodies.
Heredity: It has been shown that if your parents had acne, you are at a higher risk. This means that extra care should be taken to monitor hormone levels and keep skin thoroughly clean.

Dirty Skin

Oily or excessively dirty skin is known to cause blocked sebum glands, which in turn leads to breakouts. Some people naturally produce more oil and therefore have “dirtier” skin than others. Make-up is another source of blocked skin follicles, as is sweat.


Some medications can alter hormone levels or lead to excess oil production, both of which may cause acne. Other prescriptions make skin more sensitive to sun or to products.

Diet and Food

While the jury is still out on whether or not ingesting food can lead to acne, some doctors believe diets high in sugary or fatty foods can lead to increased sebum production. People who drink lots of water daily tend to have less problems with acne than those who don’t.

Risk Factors

There are several factors that make people more prone to acne, including the following:

  • Excessively oily skin
  • Family history of acne or skin blemishes
  • Hormone therapy patients or those with unstable hormone levels
  • Those prone to other skin disorders like Eczema or Psoriasis


There are many different levels of treatment available for the common form of acne. Many are over the counter but some require the help and supervision of a physician, and some even require regular blood and urine tests. The following are common acne treatment methods:

Home and Herbal Remedies

(Between $10 – $50 per month):

Face Washing

Some people’s acne can be lessened or even eliminated by better skin treatment. This means daily or bi-daily face washings with an over the counter face wash. It’s best to use a product with salycilic acid levels around 1% if your acne is serious or spreading. It is also advisable to avoid wearing heavy or oily makeup as makeup is known to clog pores.
Skin Cleaning

OTC Treatment

There are numerous over-the-counter topical gels and creams available designed to spot treat acne.

These solutions can be applied directly to the affected skin, and often work best when they are allowed to sit for hours at a time.

Popular acne treatment brands include Clearasil and Neutrogena. These products can be found at grocery, drug, or discount stores.

OTC Medicines

There are several topical solutions available with high levels of benzoyl peroxide, which kills acne-causing bacteria and also sloughs off dead skin.

These medications work well for milder forms of acne, or acne that is caused by overly oily skin. One of the more popular brands of this type of product is Proactv solution.

Echhinachea and Vitamin E

Some people maintain that altering the skin’s oil levels through the intake of vitamins or herbal supplements helps or even eradicates acne. These alternative solutions should be monitored with care, and used only after careful research and a talk with a doctor.


(Between $20 – $100 per month):

Prescription Medications

There are a variety of prescription medications available that are designed to treat the worst and most persistent forms of acne. They include:


These are mainly used to treat pustules and pustules and work by killing acne-causing bacteria. This can come in pill form or intravenously in serious cases.


A common treatment plan, retinoids open clogged pores by dissolving the top layer of skin. They’re most commonly seen as “Retin A” and can lead to serious side effects like peeling and redness as well as birth defects if not used correctly.

Prescription Pills

The most common type of prescription acne pill is Accutane, which has proven to be a highly effective form of treatment. Blood and urine must be monitored regularly to watch for liver problems. These drugs have also been linked to increased levels of depression.


(Between $100 and $3,000):

Cyst Removal

Only needed in the most serious of cases, a dermatologist may be enlisted to help remove nodules or cysts from beneath the skin. These types of blemishes can be painful and dangerous if left untreated, and a doctor can remove them with minimal damage and using an outpatient procedural method.

Cortisone Injection

In the case of a sudden outbreak or particularly bad pimple, a dermatologist may choose to inject cortisone directly into the offending pustule. A short term solution that is often quite painful, this treatment works well for those with a big event to attend or with one persistent mark.

Laser Treatment

Sometimes a pulsed dye laser may be used to target the deep tissue that stimulates sebum production. This is a costly but effective method of stabilizing not only acne, but Rosacea and common wrinkles, as well. Infrared lasers are also a common laser alternative.

When Should You See a Doctor

You should seek the attention of a dermatologist in the event of the following:

  • If your acne does not improve with over the counter medications or topical solutions, you may need a prescription instead.
  • If scarring is seen on the skin as it can be long-term, and may also mean your acne is causing you physical pain.
  • If you are a woman and in conjunction with your acne develop irregular menstrual cycles or hair in unusual places, you may have a hormonal imbalance and should see a doctor.
  • If your acne worsens suddenly and/or is accompanied by a fever or swelling, you may have a serious skin infection or bacterial infection that should be treated immediately.

Prevention Tips

If you or someone you know is worried about developing acne, consider the following tips for preventing it.

Take Care of Your Skin

This means regular washings as well as careful application of lotions and topical solutions. Being too rough with your skin can also worsen breakouts, so keep washings to less than two times a day, and do not rub skin too hard when cleansing. Sports helmets, cellphones, and even hats can run skin in a way that causes increased sebum production, so be sure to wash the area that has been touched by a foreign object immediately. Clearing the skin of this excess oil can help prevent future breakouts.

Stay Out of the Sun

While the sun may temporarily dry up skin, eliminating acne momentarily, skin’s exposure to sun ultimately leads to increased sebum production, which is a cause of acne. Among the other dangers of skin damage, the sun is harmful to those taking certain acne medications.

Drink Lots of Water

A good suggestion for overall health, studies have found that those who drink upwards of 50oz. of water a day tend to have clearer skin. This may be due to a flushing effect or the effect water has on the circulation system.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Many produce products contain naturally beneficial vitamins and antioxidants that are known to combat acne internally. While it is not proven that fatty foods cause bad skin, it’s always a worthwhile effort to eat a healthier, more well-balanced diet.

Do Not Irritate the Skin

If you see acne of pimples appearing, do not squeeze or pop them as this may worsen them or lead to irritation. Sometimes scars are cause by overzealous cleaning or touching of skin blemishes, so try to stay hands-off.

Stay Stress Free

Stress is a known cause of acne, so employ different methods to ensure you keep your stress levels in check. This can mean talking to a friend, exercising regularly, or even meditation. Your skin will be able to feel a difference when you relieve your internal stress.

Winning the Acne War

Acne is a painful and embarrassing disease that can be treated. Contrary to popular belief, it does not solely affect teenagers and it should not go untreated. There are many different options when it comes to preventing and lessening the effects of acne, so see your dermatologist or do your research online to find out more about this disease.

As treatable as it is, there are no proven prevention methods for acne as some of its causes are beyond human control, such as heredity. Take the measures you can to keep your skin’s balance in check, but if you do happen to develop lesions or pimples, talk to a doctor to find out what the best course of treatment is for you.

Additional Resources





People have been searching for the “Fountain of Youth” since the 16th century. Although the discovery of it was accredited to Ponce de Leon, there is no proof of this, and the legend did not come about until after his death.

However, that does not stop people from visiting St. Augustine, Florida, home of Ponce de Leon’s Fountain of Youth National Park.

While this is, of course, not the real fountain of youth, people still drink from it’s waters, which speaks volumes about how important it is to society to stay looking young and beautiful.

While the imaginary “Fountain of Youth” may not truly grant eternal youth, there are many options for the modern woman including homemade, natural remedies and their synthetic counterparts, and for the lucky few who can afford it, plastic surgery.

However, as with any endeavor, there are risks to be taken when delving into certain anti aging procedures such as chemical peels, botox injections, and going under the knife. Prevention is really the best way to start when talking about anti aging products and getting rid of wrinkles, so here are a few tips for heading those wrinkles off before they get a chance to set in.


Don’t Smoke- Smoking is the number one cause of early aging in women today. Not only does it fill your body with toxins, it also causes wrinkles to form around the lips and corners of the mouth from constantly pursing your lips around a cigarette. Smoking reduces the flow of oxygen throughout your body, which leads to a gray and sallow complexion. People who have never smoked, or have quit smoking look and feel younger than those who never started.

Cut down on alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption is another way to age a person beyond their years. Alcohol dehydrates the body, and over a long period of time, the skin will become shriveled in appearance, and more prone to wrinkles.

Often times, smoking and drinking seem to go hand in hand, and years spent in smoky environments will eventually take their toll on your skin. Reducing alcohol consumption to a glass of wine a night, or it’s equivalent, will work wonders for your overall health, well being, and appearance.

Stay out of the sun

Staying out of the sun is the best thing that you can do to protect your skin from becoming wrinkled. While getting a tan might look good for the moment, all the sun does is dry out your skin over and over again, causing it to become like leather as you age.

Always apply sun block when leaving the house, and take extra precautions like wearing sunglasses so that you are not constantly squinting at the sun, which will encourage fine lines around your eyes. Remember to put sunblock on your hands as well, as age spots on the hands, are an indicator of age no matter how smooth your face is.

Avoid stress

Stress is perhaps the #1 unseen killer today. Stress could very well age you faster than all of the factors already mentioned. People who are under a lot of stress tend to have neck, back, and shoulder pain, which stops them from enjoying life the way that they used to.

There really is some truth to the old saying that if you feel young, you look young. While there are many things that are going to be discussed in this article to slow down the aging process, at some point wrinkles will set in, and it is much better to have laugh lines, rather than those of a frown.

Get moving

Exercise is another way of slowing the aging process. Not only does it keep you physically fit, it reduces stress by getting your endorphins going, which will send out signals to your brain to be happy and relaxed. Exercise is also a good time for meditation and/or to connect with yourself, which will also reduce the stress in your life.

While prevention is the best way to remain looking young and wrinkle free, this does not mean that there is nothing that can be done to turn back the hands of time. There are a wide variety of creams, lotions, serums, and scrubs on the market today that are targeted towards that end. The trick is to know what the ingredients are in these products, and if they really work.

Skin Care Products

Every skin care line on the market today will suggest waiting “at least 2 weeks before seeing results”. While this may be true, it gives skin care companies quite a bit of leeway as to the quality of what they are using in their products.

Many of the ingredients found in the most popular skin care labels contain harmful/toxic ingredients that can cause skin irritation, dermatitis, and can also inhibit skin cell growth, which is essential to maintaining a youthful appearance.

This is why it is very important to read the product label before you buy a skin care product. With all the anti aging products on the market today, it may be difficult to know which ones are harmful as a whole, so here is a list of toxic/Toxic ingredients to look for in a skin care product.

Harmful/Toxic Ingredients

Petrolatum Products- Common petrolatum derivatives are mineral oil and paraffin. These leave a plastic like coating over your skin, which allows toxins to build up, and can eventually disrupt hormonal activity.

Parabens – Parabens are used as preservatives and ultimately mimic estrogen, which disrupts hormonal balance in the body.

Phenyl Carbolic Acid-Phenyl Carbolic acid can cause circulatory collapse, convulsions, and paralysis, possibly death due to respiratory failure.

Propylene Glycol– Propylene Glycol while used as carrier oil for fragrance opals and as humectants in skin care lines, has also been found in paint; break fluid, and floor wax. It can cause inhibitive skin cell growth, dermatitis, skin irritation, and in severe cases kidney and liver damage.

Sodium Laureth Sulfate– Also known as Sodium laurel or Laurel Sulfate, this chemical is widely used in skin care products because of it’s ability to easily penetrate the skin, and break down other products making it easier for them to pass through the protective barrier of the skin.

In combination with other chemicals, it can cause hair loss. Along with Propylene Glycol, this is another chemical known to be used for industrial purposes, and can be found in engine degreasers and car shampoos.

Toulene – Also known as benzine/benzyl, this is a well-known poison that can be harmful or fatal if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin.

While this list may seem daunting, there is a website called Skin Deep that has a list of products that are broken down by brand that gives them a score as to how harmful they are to your skin. It is very user friendly, and you can simply type in your favorite brand of moisturizer to see what kind of score it gets.

While you may be surprised at how many reputable skin care lines receive a high score as far as containing harmful products, rest assured that there have been great strides made in the Natural/Organic world of skin care. Actually, the modern world is just now realizing what people of old have known for hundreds of years. Natural oils that are derived from plants and herbs are much closer to fitting the oils that our bodies produce naturally.

Although there are products that are on the market today that are produced in the laboratory which will be discussed along with the natural oils, it seems that some of nature’s ways that have stood the test of time might be the better choice in anti-aging products, but that is your decision to make. Here is a list of oils, and products that are considered safe for your health and well being.

Safe Non Toxic Products For Your Skin

Non Toxic Products for wrinkles

Cynergy TK– this is a new product that is said to stimulate the regrowth of your own collagen and elastin, which leads to fewer wrinkles, and a more youthful appearance.

CQ10– while the benefits of CQ10 have long been known among the medical and cosmetic field, there is a form of it that is much better for anti aging purposes.

When looking at a skin care product label, look for Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10. This form of CQ10 is said to be able to penetrate 7 layers of skin.

Hyaluronic acid- Hyaluronic acid is literally the “glue” that holds together the collagen and elastin fibers in your skin. Loss of this acid leads to dark circles and loss of a youthful appearance.HA is naturally occurring in the body, but decreases with age in most individuals. While it can be found in many anti aging products, it is recommended that it also be taken in supplement form, so that it can work from the inside out.

Phytessence Wakame-This is exotic kelp, which is native to the Japanese sea. This is helpful to your anti aging routine because it blocks an n enzyme called hyaluronase, which breaks down hyaluronic acid.

Coconut oil– Coconut oil has been known for centuries for it’s moisturizing abilities. It also very close in structure to sebum, the oil that our bodies produce naturally. For this reason, coconut oil is absorbed easily into the skin, and a little bit goes a very long way. Not only is it good for skin care, but is also considered a healthy fat.

Olive oil– Olive oil is another oil that has been used for hundreds of years for it’s healing, moisturizing, and heath benefits when used for cooking. Olive oil is a very versatile product that can be mixed with other natural ingredients in your home to make skin scrubs, hot oil treatments, and a multitude of other home remedies.

Jojoba oil– Jojoba oil is just as effective as coconut and olive oil, and can be used in the same way as olive oil to make homemade beauty treatments.

Vitamin C – Along with its cold fighting properties, Vitamin is an anti- oxidant that promotes collagen production and helps to recycle Vitamin E. When used in skin care products Vitamin C promotes less wrinkles, tougher skin, and an all around smoother complexion. Not only that, but it also repairs skin that has been damaged by UV rays and smoking. Some people have reported that Vitamin C can cause some stinging and irritation when applied to the face.

Vitamin E – Vitamin E is still one of the best things you can apply to your skin for wrinkle control. When applied regularly it will lend a youthful and wrinkle free look to your face. There have been reports of red and swollen skin when using Vitamin E regularly, but this is rare.

Aloe Vera– Known for it’s healing properties, Aloe Vera is also very good for tightening the skin, and when mixed together with Vitamin E in equal parts, you have a double duty anti aging cream that will soften as well as tighten your face. Although this is a very good eye cream, care should be taken not to get it in the eyes.

Royal Jelly– Royal Jelly is what the queen bee eats to survive and is reportedly the one of the most nutritious things you can eat. Whether applied topically to your skin, or taken in supplement form Royal Jelly is definitely a force to be dealt with in the anti aging scene. People who have known allergies to bees should not consume royal jelly as paralysis or even death could occur. If you do not know if you are allergic to bees, you may want to consult with your doctor for an allergy test before consuming Royal Jelly.

Alpha Lipoic Acid – Alpha Lipoic Acid is a naturally occurring anti-oxidant, which acts as a defoliant, and reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Another benefit of using this product is that it has a protective effect on Vitamin C and E, which encourages regeneration of the cells. Common side effects are inflammation.

While this is a very comprehensive list of anti aging products that are on the market today, this is really just the tip of the iceberg. Modern technology is striving every day to come up with new ways to help people stay looking younger, longer.

However, as the old saying goes, beauty is not only skin deep. Many times, what you see reflected in the mirror is a result of what you have been putting in your body. Good nutrition is essential in maintaining a youthful, healthy appearance. Staying away fro overly processed, prepacked foods that are filled with preservatives and saturated fat is not only unhealthy for your heart, but when you are not healthy it shows in your face.

Eating Vegetables

Eating green leafy vegetables such as fresh spinach and collard greens are essential for a healthy diet, as well as eating fresh fruit. While eating red meat in moderation is acceptable, fish is a much better source oh Omega 3 fatty acids, which lead to all around whole body health. Also, the great debate about eggs is finally over. What people have known for generations is true; eggs are full of protein, and with one egg healthy to consume or not.

Cosmetic Surgery

While many people cannot afford the luxury, cosmetic procedures such as botox injections, chemical peels, and plastic surgery cannot be left out of the anti aging scene. Unfortunately, though it seems that there are more risks than benefits when it comes to these kind of medical procedures.

Whether the doctors or the patients are to blame is a purely a case by case debate, the effects of plastic surgery gone wrong can be scary. Many times, it almost becomes an addiction for some people who are aspiring to get the “perfect” appearance, only to come out years later looking like a parody of themselves.

Other times, people have gone in thinking they could trust their doctor, and found out differently after it was too late. Cosmetic surgery can definitely be a benefit to women who want to get a face lift, or repair sagging eyelids, but it is very important to find the right surgeon, and do some research before going under the knife.

Word of mouth is still the best advertisement, and when looking for a surgeon to work on your most precious asset, it might be best to try to find someone that you know you can trust.

Considering Your Options

Whatever route you choose to take with anti aging creams and potions, remember that only you can decide what is best for you.. Before investing in the latest “miracle” cream, do some research, and see what it is all about.

Or go to the drug store, and try some of the samples that they have out. Also, never doubt the power of some of the natural remedies mentioned in this article, because centuries of women cannot be wrong. Above all else, remember that looking young has a lot to do with feeling young, so have fun on your quest for the best wrinkle cream out there, or try making one at home.

The possibilities are endless as long you feel good about yourself, and reading this article is a step in the right direction. Now, just get out there get moving, and see what the world has to offer!





Cold Sores

What exactly is a cold sore?

A cold sore is a common ailment. They are commonly called fever blisters, or they are known medically as herpes labialis.

A cold sore consists of small blisters that form close to the mouth and on the lips. These blisters cause the skin close to them to become red, swollen and sore.

Many times, the blisters will burst open and a clear fluid may come out of them. Afterword, they will scab over and usually heal, on their own, in about two weeks.

What are symptoms of a cold sore?

Cold sore

The symptoms of cold sores differ from person to person.

Common symptoms include pain around the mouth and parts of the lips, a sore throat, swollen glands in the neck or a high fever.

Young children may drool slightly before getting a cold sore. Someone who has had one before may just be able to “feel” a new cold sore coming.

What causes a cold sore?

The herpes simplex virus is usually the culprit of these painful sores. There are two types of the herpes simplex virus. These are known simply as herpes simplex virus one and herpes simplex virus two. Each of these can cause cold sores, although the sores are usually caused by HSV-1.

The virus will often sneak its way into the body via a break in the skin close to the mouth. It can spread through infected bodily fluids when people do things like kiss or share a razor or eating utensil.

Once a person has an episode of herpes, the virus stays within the body. It lies dormant and can emerge at any time at or near the original site. Reemergence of the virus can be triggered by menstruation, fever, stress, fatigue, or sun exposure.

What are risk factors of getting a cold sore?

The biggest risk factor of getting a cold sore is a previous experience with a cold sore. Once a person has the herpes simplex virus, it never leaves the body and that person will most likely get other cold sores throughout his or her life, especially during times of stress.

A risk factor of getting a cold sore for the first time is exposure to someone with a cold sore. It can be spread easily through contaminated objects.

Age is another risk factor. Infants and young children have a high chance of getting cold sores.

Immunocompromised people, such as those with AIDS or people on chemotherapy are also at high risk for cold sores. Cold sores may spread to large parts of the lower face or even invade organs.

What are some good ways to prevent cold sores?

Once a person has contracted the herpes simplex virus, the best way to prevent a cold sore is by boosting the immune system. If the virus hasn’t been contracted, cold sores can be prevented by avoiding the herpes simplex virus itself. To do so, stay away from body fluids of an infected person, and don’t share eating utensils, drinking cups, or similar items with a person who has a cold sore.

How is a cold sore diagnosed?

Most of the time a doctor can diagnose a cold sore simply by looking at it and asking a few questions. Cold sores can sometimes be mistaken for other things such as abrasions, razor burns, pimples, angular stomatitis, and canker sores. In these cases where the diagnosis is not obvious, the doctor may order tests to confirm what is really going on.

One test a doctor can do is to take a swab of the sore and incubate it to see if the virus can be detected. The doctor will use a swab to get a sample of the infected area. The swab must be taken in the first 48 hours of the outbreak and before the blister has crusted over.

The sample will be incubated for a minimum of three to five days and may confirm the presence and type of herpes simplex virus. However, a negative viral culture does not mean that the patient is actually negative for the virus. If the swab is taken after the sore has started to heal, the virus may not show up in lab results.

Blood tests can also be done to correctly diagnose cold sores and to rule out other problems such as canker sores, impetigo, syphilis, chickenpox, or lip cancer.

What are complications the go along with cold sores?

When a cold sore is present, the herpes simplex virus can spread to another part of the infected person’s body and cause another cold sore. This is known as autoinoculation. The most serious type of autoinoculation is known as ocular herpes. It is characterized by lesions and severe pain around the eye. It can lead to serious eye damage or blindness.

The herpes simplex virus can rarely cause encephalitis in the brain. This infection requires antiviral medications to be given intravenously and hospitalization.

Rarely, people that experience a cold sore outbreak can also experience erythema nodosum. This is a nonspecific skin reaction that presents itself as redness and painful skin lumps that are usually on the front side of the legs. This condition usually resolves on its own in three to six weeks.

How are cold sores treated?

If left alone, a cold sore will usually heal on its own in a few days. However, they can cause pain and embarrassment. If desired, there are different ways to treat cold sores and help them heal faster.

What are home remedies for cold sores?

When an outbreak occurs, it is important for the person to wash his or her hands frequently to reduce the spread of the virus to various other body parts or to other people.

One home remedy for a cold sore is covering the sore with petroleum jelly or with a local anesthetic ointment containing benzocaine to alive the pain. However, covering the sore with makeup will most likely make the sore worse.

Getting a new toothbrush after the outbreak has started and after the cold sore is gone is a good way to stop the spread of the virus. Toothbrushes can harbor the virus and spread them to other areas of the mouth.
Put some kind of sun protection on the lips before going outside. Use something that contains at least 15 SPF or higher.

Eating Licorice

Eat licorice. Studies have shown that glycyrrhizic acid, which is found in licorice, can help to stop cold sores. Licorice powder is also available, but be careful. There can be negative side effects if too much is used.
Use an ice pack on the sore when it first arrives.

Getting the sore cold may provide relief from the pain and it also cuts down the time that a cold sore will be there. Popsicles work too, but don’t eat juice bars. The acid in juice bars may irritate the sore.

Use Milk

Soak a cotton ball in milk and apply it to the sore. This will work to relieve the pain. It can also work to speed the healing, especially if put on the lip when you feel a cold sore coming.

What are herbal remedies for cold sores?

Some herbs that are helpful in healing cold sores are lemon balm and Saint John’s wort.

Either of these should be dabbed on to the lip or mouth as soon as a cold sore is noticed. They should be use several times a day.

Oregon grape is another herb that works on cold sores because it is an antiviral herb. Other herbs to consider using are ones that will boost the immune system such as Echinacea. One teaspoon of strong Echinacea root decoration can be swished around in the mouth for several minutes then swallowed three times per day.

Chamomile is another thing that can be used. It contains a substance called bisabolol that helps heal sores of the mucous membranes. Herbs can cause side effects, and can interfere with other medications being taken. Many herbs should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women. Talk to a doctor before starting any herbal routine. Most of these herbs are available as supplements at local drug stores or online for a pretty decent price.

What are the medicinal remedies for cold sores?

There are many prescription and non-prescription creams, tablets, liquid drops, lip balms, and gels that claim to help cold sores.

Some of them include:

Abreva Abreva is a non-prescription cold sore medicine approved by the FDA to shorten healing time of cold sores. It is placed directly on the cold sore. It has side effects such as headaches, painful menstrual periods, and a stuffy or runny nose. It sells from $12 to $20 dollars for a .7 oz container.

Anbesol Cold sore Therapy Ointment with Vitamin E and Aloe. This provides maximum strength pain relief of cold sores and moisturizes while it treats and protects. This treatment can cause stinging, severe allergic reactions, edema, cardiovascular problems, dermatitis, and methemoglobinemia. It sells for about $7 for a .33 oz container.

Quantum Super Lysine plus Cold Sore Cream This is to be applied at the first sign of cold sores. It is said to be able to block the outbreak or speed up the healing time. It sells for $11 for a .75 oz bottle.

Cold Sore Rescue Cold Sore Rescue is an all natural gel that combines anti-viral and anti-inflammatory herbs to promote quick healing of cold sores. It sells for $9.95 for a .27 oz tube.

Orajel Medicated Cold Sore Swabs These are easy to apply swabs that go directly onto the cold sore. These are about $4.00 per box.

Herpetrol Cold Sore Relief Gel This gel works to relieve the pain that accompanies cold sores. It does not heal the cold sore any faster than normal. It sells for $6-$8 dollars for a .25 oz package.

Zilactin Cold Sore Gel This gel creates a temporary film around the sore that will reduce irritation and temporarily relieves pain from cold sores. It sells for about $7 for a .25 oz package.

These are just a few of the commercially available products that claim to help cold sores heal or to relieve the pain of cold sores. There are only two FDA approved prescription medications. They are Denavir cream 1% and Zovirax cream 5%.

Denavir cream works by interfering with the growth of the herpes virus. It can reduce the pain of the cold sore and speed up the healing. It is a cream that is applied directly to the sore. Side effects are rare, but may include headaches, hives, itching, numbing of the skin, pain, rash, skin discoloration, swelling in the mouth and throat, taste or smell alteration, tingling, or worsened condition.

Zovirax cream is used in the same way as Denavir cream. Its side effects include allergic reactions, burning, dry or cracked lips, dry or flaky skin, eczema, hives, inflammation, itchy spots, or stinging. Prescription medications are generally more expensive than non-prescription, depending on the type of insurance you have.

If you don’t have insurance, or if you insurance plan doesn’t cover prescriptions, use natural or over the counter remedies or allow the cold sore to heal on its own.






Head Lice

Introduction to Head Lice

Head lice, latin name Pediculus humanus capitis, is a parasitic insect that is found in the hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes of humans.

Although some refer to head lice as scabies, this is a misnomer. Scabies is caused by a mite and not head lice.
Head lice
Head lice feed on human blood for nutrients. If they do not receive blood, they will die in 2 to 3 days.

Head lice are around 3 millimeters in length and take on the color of blood when they begin feeding. Although the average life cycle of head lice is about a month, they cannot survive for long once they lose their source of food.

Once an louse loses it’s ability to feed, they will die in one or two days. Recent studies have also shown that head lice may be able to transmit diseases, such as certain types of fevers.

Symptoms of Head Lice

Usually, head lice are discovered by one of three ways. The first sign of head lice infestation is intense itching of the scalp. The itching is caused by a reaction to the saliva that a louse secretes. The other symptoms of head lice infestation are seeing lice or nits.

Adult lice can be found on the human scalp while eggs, also called nits, are found attached to the hair shaft. If the “nit” comes off the hair shaft easily, then chances are it is not a louse egg. Lice eggs are attached firmly to the hair shaft and do not easily come off.

To search for head lice and their eggs, first wash and condition the hair of the person who may have lice. Since removing nits requires a fine-toothed comb, conditioning hair will make it easier to come. Make sure to use a good light and a fine toothed comb. Looking for adult lice along the hair line and individual nits attached to the hair shaft.

A magnifying glass can also be used to spot the tiny eggs. If the person is experiencing itching without the presence of lice or eggs, then chances are there is not an infestation.

Causes of Lice Infestation

Contrary to what some people think, human head lice cannot jump from one person to another. They are only mobile by walking. The spread of lice is also not caused by being unclean.

Head lice are spread through the shared use of personal items such as hear accessories (barrettes and headbands), combs, brushes, hats, or anything else that can come in contact with human hair. Lice can also be spread on pillows, blankets and towels. Upholstered furniture, including plush movie theater seats, can harbor head lice and their eggs.

Risks of Lice Infestation

As stated in the causes of infestation, hygiene is not a factor in lice infestation. Coming in contact and sharing hair related items with people who are infested cause the lice to spread. Young children who are in pre-school or elementary school, are more likely to contract head lice simply because they share their hair accessories more often.

Prevention of Head Lice

The best method for the prevention of head lice is to stop sharing items that are infesting. Since it is nearly impossible to control the sharing of all objects infected by lice, it is also important to completely rid areas of lice when they are numerous. That involves thorough cleaning of areas where lice or nits may be present.

Testing for and Diagnosing Head Lice Infestation

Usually, head lice can be found through a routine check at school or at home. Searching for nits and adults is the best way to diagnose the presence of head lice. If there seem to be nits on the hair shafts but there appear to be no adults, try and remove the nit with a very fine toothed comb.

If any question remains or the person who suspects a head lice infestation is unsure, a doctor can diagnose the presence of lice. When there is an outbreak at school, church, or anywhere else large groups may gather, then it may be a good idea to check for head lice, even if an infestation is not suspected.

Treatment of Head Lice

Treatment of Head Lice

There are several ways to treat head lice infestation. What is most important to remember is that the lice and eggs could have been transferred to pillow, towels, hats, or anything else plush or upholstered that came in contact with a person who has head lice. There are treatments that are chemical, organic, prescription and over the counter.

Some of the treatments are:

Lindane (also under the names Kwell and Thionex) – this type of chemical kills lice and their eggs. It is only available with a prescription and is used as a second resort if other treatments have failed.

In recent years, there has been controversy over the use of lindane as it is an insecticide that is easily absorbed into the skin. Lindane is a topical crème, lotion or shampoo. If it is left on the scalp or other areas too long, it will be absorbed and can cause seizure disorders.

It is not recommended for infants, toddlers, people with sores or open wounds, people weighing under 110 pounds or those with seizure disorders. Kwell has been reportedly linked to a young man who was found to suffer from cancer. The pesticide in this product allegedly killed a school aged child who was prescribed Kwell twice in order to kill lice and eggs during an infestation.

Other Options Are:

Malathion lotion (Ovide) – this treatment is also available only by prescription. It kills adult lice and some eggs, although a second treatment to kill newly hatched lice is needed to kill any lice that have hatched since the first treatment.

Pyrethrins (sold as A-200, Pronto, R&C, Rid and Triple X) – this type of remedy is available over the counter. However, this remedy only kills adult lice and another treatment will have to be used once the nits have hatched, which is approximately 8 to 10 days after the first treatment. These types of treatments run anywhere from $7 to $20 per bottle, which is $14 to $40 per family member, since anyone who may have come in contact with the person may be infected and there needs to be 2 treatments. Similar to other treatments, lice may be resistant.

Permethrin (sold as Nix) – this is a synthetic form of the pyrethrins. It is also sold over the counter and only kills adult lice. This type of treatment may also continue to kill young lice for a couple of days after the initial treatment, but a second treatment is recommended 8 to 10 days after the first treatment. Lice may also be resistant to this type of treatment. This treatment can be less expensive than the pyrethrins; 2 bottles, or 2 treatments, are approximately $20.

Tea Tree Oil – this type of oil can be found in health food stores as well as nationwide retailers. Although this treatment is considered natural, there are warnings that it is not safe for pregnant women, babies, young children and pets. Tea Tree Oil can irritate skin and cause a reaction. In high doses, it causes liver toxicity. There is no indication whether or not this treatment works. The cost of tea tree oil is $7 and up. Cost will depend on the purity and amount of the oil.

Mayonnaise – some people use this remedy to remove nits. In theory, the oil in mayonnaise will make the nits slip off the hair shaft and will suffocate the lice. Mayonnaise is under $10 for an abundance of treatment. There is no indication whether or not this treatment works.

Vaseline – similar to mayonnaise, this treatment is meant to suffocate and slide lice and their eggs form the hair and scalp. Vaseline cost a couple of dollars, but there is no indication that this treatment works.

LiceMeister Comb – this type of treatment uses no chemicals. It uses the concept of manual removal of lice and nits. This comb also comes with a card to help identify nits and lice. The comb costs around $10. Since there are no chemicals used in this type of treatment, there is no risk of lice becoming resistant to a LiceMeister Comb. This comb can also be used as a preventative medicine as it can be used to check for the presence of lice and eggs on a regular basis. There are cleaning kits and replacement parts also available.

Wrapping the head – while some people suggest wrapping the head in plastic, it does not remove the source of food from the lice and is therefore ineffective. It is also dangerous to younger children to wrap plastic around their head as it may slip and cause suffocation. Plastic wrap is a couple of dollars.

All of the treatments listed above are remedies for lice and nits that are on humans. However, in order to totally remove the infestation, household items that could be carrying lice and nits need to be treated as well. It is recommended that clothing, hats, or any other items that are washable be washed in hot water and dried on the highest heat setting in a dryer.

Steps in Getting Rid of Lice

Water will not drown lice, but the extreme heat of water in the washer will kills them. Combs, brushes, and hair accessories should either be replaced or soaked in very hot water for at least 5 minutes. If there are clothing or other items that cannot be washed, they should be placed in plastic bags for a minimum of 3 days. This amount of time will kill lice and newly hatched eggs as they will be lacking nutrition to stay alive.

A thorough vacuuming of any upholstered or cloth furniture should also be done. This includes cloth headrests in cars. Spraying an insecticide or fumigant is not recommended as it can expose young children and pets to the toxic fumes. Make sure to notify schools, child cares and churches about the lice infestation so that they also can take precautions and preventative measures.

If after using an over the counter treatment twice does not kill any or some of the lice, the lice may be resistant to the treatment or the treatment may not have been used properly. It is only recommended that any one treatment be used a maximum of 2 to 3 times. If after treatments are used there are still live young or adult lice, a doctor should be consulted. Some oils used as natural treatments can also cause greater rates of absorption for the chemical treatments. It is suggested that oil and chemical treatments not be used in combination.




Jock Itch

Jock Itch

If you are male and engage in any type of rigorous exercise, then you undoubtedly have become familiar with a common, irritating condition called “jock itch.” There are a variety of other names associated with this affliction like jock rot, sweaty balls, or tinea cruris.
Jock itch
Although this condition is contracted principally by males, women are not immune to this infection and can suffer to the same degree as any man.

The symptoms are obvious. You feel a burning, sweaty, itching sensation in the groin area surrounding the genitals. The skin takes on a raw look and can begin peeling.

Your first instinct is to scratch the affected area incessantly and usually without much thought to it until you realize that the sensation is not dissipating and is actually spreading.

The infected area may also include the buttocks and inner thighs.

A look at the infected area canl reveal reddish, ring-shaped rashes and dampness. Although the infection is not serious, it can be extremely aggravating and embarrassing, especially if you are experiencing serious itching and are scratching the area in the presence of other people.


Jock itch, or jock rot, or whatever other appellation high school sophomores may give to this infection, is caused by a fungus called Trichophyton rubrum. It thrives in moist and damp areas of the body such as the genitals, groin or inner thighs. Sweating after exercise or even from being in hot, humid weather can cause the fungus to proliferate especially if you are wearing tight undergarments that can allow the fungus to proliferate.

Failing to bathe on a daily basis, especially if you exercise regularly or live in a humid environment, can make one susceptible. It has been suggested that a poor diet consisting of mostly junk foods, found in many an adolescent’s or teenager’s daily food regimen, can contribute to an infection. If you consume a great deal of fried, greasy or processed foods, you are weakening your immune system and not preventing this or any other infectious conditions from invading your body.

Risk Factors

It is obvious that maintaining a less than hygienic lifestyle is conducive to inviting infectious agents into your body. Other risk factors include obesity, which is nearing epidemic proportions in our country, as overweight people have a tendency to sweat easily. If they also fail to keep their bodies clean and dry, then their bodies are practically inviting any infection.

As noted above, eating a diet filled with greasy and fried foods will not stave off infections nor will the consumption of sugary foods and drinks or foods containing yeast. People who consume large amounts of alcohol which eventually becomes sugar are at risk as well.

Having a compromised immune system or having AIDS will put you at risk for this and any other infections, so it necessary to take any measures that will strengthen your immune system and lessen the chances of infection.


Jock itch Prevention

Prevention of this common affliction is relatively easy. You could either just stop sweating or follow a healthier lifestyle that one should do in any event.

You should shower on a daily basis and take care to thoroughly dry the groin and inner thigh area.

Taking care to also dry the area between your toes will prevent athlete’s foot, another fungus that results in similar symptoms.


A diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits will aid in prevention. These and other foods rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids aid in the prevention of free radicals and strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems.

Although few people meet the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables, one can at least severely limit, if not entirely omit, sodas, diet or otherwise, from one’s diet and stop frequenting fast food restaurants.

You might also consider adding garlic to your food. Small amounts are recommended as garlic can have an irritating effect on one’s stomach. Because garlic has long been regarded for its anti-fungal properties, and can add flavor to many dishes, this can be a welcome and tasty preventative measure.

If you exercise regularly, be aware that your body will continue to sweat for about 15 minutes after you have completed your routine and needs that much time to cool down. Taking a shower or bath immediately after exercising will not slow or decrease the time it takes your body to stop sweating, so wait 15 minutes before showering. Use an antibacterial soap and wash the groin and inner thigh areas.

Carefully dry these areas after your shower and apply a talcum powder to keep these areas dry and less likely to become damp or moist.

Treatment & Remedies

There are a variety of commercial lotions and sprays that you can purchase that are relatively costly, but are usually effective. These include a cold or freezing spray that provides instant relief, although you may have to use the entire contents of the can to achieve complete and lasting relief.

Home remedies work just as effectively and are much less costly. The following is a list of the more common home solutions to this irritating condition.

Garlic and Honey

An old but effective remedy is to combine garlic and honey. Chop the garlic into very fine pieces and mix it with organic or unfiltered honey and apply it to the infected skin. The garlic should probably be mixed with warm water first before combining it with honey. Many people regard this combination as an effective treatment for acne as the sulfur in the garlic acts to disinfect the bacteria.

The same theory should apply to the Trichophyton rubrum fungus that is causing the infection surrounding the genitals. The only side effect is that the garlic may cause some irritation, but the honey does act as a moisturizer and might counteract that effect.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has long been touted as a health tonic for digestion, joint pain, asthma, blood pressure, burns, cancer sores, cholesterol, and athlete’s foot among many others. The acids in the vinegar act as antibacterial agents.

The solution is made by combining equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and then placing it in the refrigerator in a spray bottle. The spray will have a cooling effect that will bring added relief when applied to the inflamed skin.


Another suggested remedy is to dilute 2 tablespoons of bleach in 16 ounces of hot water. Soak a wash cloth in the solution and wash the infected areas. Bleach is a skin irritant, however, and failure to adequately or properly dilute it can result in damaging your skin even further.

Zinc Oxide

An easy remedy is to use zinc oxide commonly found in diaper rash cream. A drawback in using this substance is that there a number of people who are allergic to it. You should not use this as a topical remedy if you are also allergic to zinc, dimethicone, lanolin, cod liver oil, petroleum products, parabens, mineral oil or wax. If you suspect an allergic reaction, then you should consider an alternative solution.

Tea Tree Oil & Cornstarch

Tea tree oil is a popular alternative substance that has powerful antifungal qualities. It is also a natural antispetic and germicide. It has been used to treat canker sores, tooth and gum infections, head lice, yeast infections, and is a natural deodorizer.

One should take care not to use too much as it may irritate the skin, especially if you already have a sensitive skin condition. If you have a history of allergies, use a small concentration as a skin test to see if increased irritation occurs and to minimize any reaction. Tea tree oil is a topical solution and must not be ingested.

Cornstarch is another useful and common remedy for treatment of jock itch. Cornstarch is derived from dried corn kernals and is the primary ingredient in baby powders. It can help the skin achieve a fresh, dry feeling and soothe the burning, raw effects from scratching the infected areas. Cornstarch can cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive or allergic to corn or to any corn products.


Calendula, used in cream form, is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substance. Derived from calendula flowers or marigolds, it possesses valuable skin healing properties and should be an excellent ointment to use.

It is also used for burns, cuts, insect bites, cracked and rough skin as well as athlete’s foot. Side effects from using calendula include dermatitis, allergies, lipid and protein reduction. If you are using narcotics or antidepressants or have blood pressure or glucose issues, you should consult with your physician even though you may be using relatively low doses of this substance.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil, although mainly used for aromatherapy and as a remedy to relieve stress, headaches, depression and anxiety, is also known for its antiseptic and antifungal properties. It is useful in rapidly healing wounds, cuts and sunburn, and aids in the formation of scar tissue.

Because lavender is an herb and contains active compounds that can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements or medications, one should probably consult with either a physician or a health care provider with an expertise in botanical ingredients before using. Pregnant and breast-feeding women should avoid using lavender at all.

Vitamin E

Vitamin e has long been known to promote skin healing. It has traditionally been used in the treatment of sunburn and psoriasis and has been promoted for its anti-aging benefits. As a lotion, it protects the epidermis layer of the skin from UV rays.

Recent studies, however, have questioned the use of vitamin e creams and claim that it may worsen the appearance of scars. These studies are not supported by others that show that the beneficial effects far outweigh any preliminary studies to the contrary. If used topically, there are few if any known side effects.

Dandruff Shampoo

Some people have attested to the positive effects of dandruff shampoo for curing jock itch infection. Dandruff occurs as skin cells renew and shed old skin at a faster rate than normal. A severe case of flaking scalp may be related to an overgrowth of a type of yeast which occurs naturally on the skin. Many dandruff shampoos contain one or more ingredients of salicylic acid, sulfur, and zinc pyrithione.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a mild antiseptic and aids in the penetration of antifungal agents and causes shedding of the outer layers of the skin. Sulfur is an antifungal agent that is used to get rid of the yeast that causes dandruff in some people. It is easy to see how the use of this type of shampoo may be a healing tonic for jock fungus.

The side effects of using a shampoo on fungus causing jock itch are rare, but the salicylic acid and sulfur might cause some burning or increased itching of the skin. Zinc pyrithione has also been known to cause pimples, so one should look for this if using a product containing this ingredient.

Mix and Match

One final remedy is a combination of tea tree oil, calendula and vitamin e. These ingredients create a healing antiseptic that calms and soothes the skin and is said to be effective against inflammation. Vitamin e acts as a natural preservative as well as protecting the skin.

Use whatever remedy sounds plausible to you keeping in mind the possible side effects and using caution if you do have other medical conditions for which you are taking prescribed medication. Do not overuse any of these home remedies and stop applying them immediately if further irritation occurs.





Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which a person’s breathing pauses repeatedly during sleep and one or more breaths are missed. The disorder is considered clinically significant, and therefore in need of further investigation, if the pauses last for ten seconds and occur at least five times per hour.
Sleep apnea
The consequences of sleep apnea range from daytime fatigue resulting from disturbed sleeping patterns to much more serious complications.

At the more dangerous end of the spectrum, sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and stroke.


A person with sleep apnea may be completely unaware of the condition, and it is not unusual for the problem to be first noticed by someone observing him sleep.

Symptoms include loud snoring, dry throat on awakening, waking up gasping for breath, waking repeatedly, morning headaches and fatigue during the day.


There are three distinct forms of sleep apnea, each with its own cause.

Obstructive sleep apnea is by far the most common type, accounting for 84% of cases. It is characterized by a physical blockage of the person’s airway which interrupts normal respiration despite the person’s attempts to breathe.

Blockage of the airway can be caused by

  • obesity, which can increase the amount of soft tissue comprising the airway
  • old age, with concomitant decrease in muscle tone
  • structural features of the skull and jaw which result in a narrow airway
  • brain injury or other neurological problems
  • drug or alcohol use that contributes to decreased muscle tone in the airway
  • illness, such as an upper respiratory infection, which causes swelling of the soft tissue

Central sleep apnea, accounting for 0.4% of the cases, involves a problem in the area of the brain that controls respiration, the brain stem. In this type of sleep apnea, the brain’s ability to effectively signal the muscles responsible for breathing mechanics.

Central sleep apnea is different from obstructive sleep apnea in that the affected individual does not try to breathe. Its presence is typically associated with serious illness or injury, particularly those involving the brain stem, including:

  • severe arthritis which has damaged the cervical spine
  • damage caused by injury, radiation or complications of surgery to the brain stem or cervical spine
  • neurological diseases
  • excessive use of drugs and alcohol that act as central nervous system depressants

Mixed, or complex, sleep apnea is a combination of the above two types. It accounts for some 15% of cases and often includes a pattern that begins with central sleep apnea and transforms into obstructive sleep apnea. Although its causes are not well understood, it is associated with many of the conditions linked to the other two types.

Risk Factors

With the exception of specific diseases and injuries implicated in central sleep apnea, risk factors for sleep apnea are similar regardless of the type.

Among those factors are

  • obesity
  • a neck size over 17 inches for men and 16 inches for women
  • male gender
  • smoking
  • heavy drinking
  • over age 40
  • large tongue or tonsils
  • cranial structure that includes a small airway
  • obstruction of the nasal passages
  • family history of sleep apnea

Prevention Tips

Mild sleep apnea can be helped by several strategies, each contributing to minimize recurrences.

Among them are

  • losing weight
  • avoiding alcohol
  • avoiding sedatives and tranquilizers
  • sleeping on your side
  • quitting smoking

It may help to get a special pillow, known as a cervical pillow, designed to keep your head elevated and in a position that reduces constriction of the airway.

Test & Considerations

Once you have discussed your symptoms with your doctor and the signs point to a sleep disorder, whether apnea or one of the many other disorders, the first order of business is typically a sleep study, or polysomnogram. The study is most often conducted by technicians at a sleep center located in a hospital or in an independent medical office, but the patient can sometimes arrange to take equipment home overnight and perform some of the tests there, returning the equipment the next morning.

A complete polysomnogram requires at least 22 connections that record eleven sets of data collected while the patient falls asleep, during sleep and on awakening. Standard equipment consists of an EEG, or electroencephalogram, that records and measures brain waves, an EMG, or electromyogram, that tracks muscle movements, an EOG, or electro-oculogram, that records eye movements and help to distinguish among stages of sleep, and an EKG, or electrocardiogram, that keeps track of the heart.

Monitoring Nasal Airflow

Sleep technicians may also use a device to monitor nasal airflow, a device fitted over the finger or earlobe that tracks blood oxygen levels, a microphone to record snoring and video camera to monitor patient movement.

As it is collected, the data is fed into a computer that can display multiple data streams in graphical form. That data, supplemented by the observations of the sleep technician, is preserved for later review and analysis.
Until recently, sleep studies were performed over more than one night.

The first night was devoted purely to diagnosis. A second night was then scheduled in order to do the same tests while the patient used whatever treatment device was recommended and the device was adjusted to provide optimal benefit.

Sleep Centers

Sleep centers now lean toward “split night” studies as their method of choice. In a split night study, a patient who shows clear indications of sleep apnea within the first two or three hours of the study is awakened and fitted with a special mask, described in more detail below under “Treatment Options,” that helps to regulate airflow.

Adjustments to the mask can be made throughout the rest of the night as the patient returns to sleep. The split night approach is both less expensive and more convenient for the patient, although its shorter duration may not provide enough time to properly complete both phases of the study. In such cases, a second night may still be necessary.

Treatment Options

Appropriate treatment is tailored to the type of sleep apnea and its severity. Options range from simple home remedies that cost nothing to sophisticated surgical procedures that, like all surgeries, have risks of their own.

Home Remedies

Home Remedies for Sleep Apnea

For mild sleep apnea, home remedies can be effective. Lifestyle changes are key. Most can be accomplished at no cost and many provide overall health benefits above and beyond the relief of apnea symptoms.

Among the approaches to use are

Lose weight

Obesity is often accompanied by increased soft tissue around the airway and low muscle tone, both strongly implicated in obstructive sleep apnea.

Quit smoking

In addition to the well-known dangers of smoking, cigarette smoke tends to irritate the airway and cause swelling in the soft tissue.

Avoid excessive alcohol

Alcohol acts on the central nervous system as a depressant, and its depressant effects extend to the respiratory center in the brain.

Avoid sedatives and tranquilizers. As with alcohol, these can act as central nervous system depressants.

Elevate your head

This can be done by elevating the entire head of the bed or with pillows, including special cervical pillows. Elevating the head helps to keep the airway open by countering the gravitational force that works to collapse the airway when the head is not elevated.

Sleep on your side

Cervical pillows can help with this, or you can try sewing a pocket into the back of your pajama top and putting a tennis ball in the pocket, making it uncomfortable whenever you try to sleep on your back.

Treatment Devices

If home remedies are ineffective, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy is the most often used and most effective choice of treatment, especially for obstructive sleep apnea.

CPAP consists of a machine that provides a continuous flow of air to a mask that is worn over the nose and/or mouth. Positive air pressure helps to prevent the airway from collapsing when air is being inhaled.

The amount of pressure needs to be tailored to the specific needs of the patient and, as explained in “Test and Diagnosis Considerations,” this is done during the second phase of a sleep study. Once the optimal adjustments are determined, the patient receives a prescription that sets out the calibrations for the device.


CPAP is not a cure for sleep apnea and must be used every night in order to be effective. In fact, discontinuing the therapy is almost a guaranty that apnea symptoms will return. Patients discontinue therapy despite this, often because of CPAP side effects, including:

  • Discomfort. It can be difficult to get used to wearing the mask, and the air pressure itself can be uncomfortable for some.
  • Nasal congestion or runny nose.
  • Irritation where the mask comes in contact with the skin.
  • Sore throat.
  • Nasal dryness.
  • Noise. The noise made by the CPAP machine can be bothersome.

The following strategies may help overcome side effects

  • Try different masks to get the right comfort and fit.
  • Use a saline spray for nasal irritation.
  • Ask your doctor about using a nasal decongestant.
  • Use CPAP equipment that includes a humidifier.
  • If the air pressure is uncomfortable, consider a unit that offers a “ramp” feature so that pressure starts at a comfortably low level and gradually increases as you fall asleep.
  • If air pressure is still an issue, consider a Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure (BiPAP) device in which air pressure is reduced when you exhale, requiring less effort.

CPAP equipment, including the machine, mask and hoses, ranges in price from around $300 for the simplest machine to several thousand dollars for devices that are smaller and quieter and that offer more options, including extensive data gathering, heated humidification, ramp settings and a variety of mask comfort features. BiPAP devices are among the most expensive choices.

Health Insurance Providers

Many health insurance providers, including Medicare, offer coverage once a sleep study has confirmed the diagnosis of sleep apnea and a CPAP prescription has been issued. Be sure to confirm in advance that the particular sleep study will satisfy the insurer and that the qualifications of the person prescribing meet the insurer’s criteria.

CPAP devices are available from many internet sources, frequently at greatly discounted prices. Be aware, though, that many internet sellers will not handle any health insurance reimbursements for you, and that you will have to navigate the insurer’s requirements yourself in order to be reimbursed. Therefore, it is even more important to pay close attention to insurance requirements when purchasing over the internet.

Dental devices are also available for the treatment of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. These are custom fitted appliances that should be designed by a dentist with expertise in apnea treatment. Dental devices work to reposition the lower jaw or tongue so as to bring them forward, opening the airway during sleep. The devices are simpler than CPAP but can have their own side effects, including soreness and damage to the mouth or teeth.


If nonsurgical measures have been ineffective, there are several surgical procedures available, among them:

  • Maxillmandibular Advancement (MMA) enlarges the airway space by bringing both the upper and lower jaw forward and is among the most effective options.
  • Genioglossus Advancement, often performed in concert with MMA, moves the tongue forward in order to achieve the same effect.
  • Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is a procedure whereby tissue is removed from the airway, and may include removal of part of the roof of the mouth and excess throat tissue.
  • Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy involves removal of enlarged tonsils or adenoids that may be blocking the airway and is often the treatment of choice for children with apnea.

Surgery Risks

While any surgery carries with it risks and side effects, this is especially true when apnea is present, for two reasons. First, the surgery, although intended to decrease airway blockage, may actually render the airway temporarily smaller because tissue tends to swell after the operation.

Second, surgery requires the use of anesthetic medications that act as depressants on the brain’s respiratory center, necessitating especially careful monitoring of post-surgical apnea patients. These side effects are temporary, though, and should resolve over time.

Surgery can be covered by insurance, but all aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of the condition should be carefully documented. Prior to authorizing surgical coverage, the insurer may require evidence that less drastic means are either medically inappropriate or that they have been unsuccessful.

Surgery does provide a unique benefit. Regardless of its expense and of the risks and side effects it entails, surgery is the only approach to sleep apnea that can effect an actual cure. Successful surgery eliminates the apnea patient’s reliance on symptomatic treatments that manage the condition without touching its root cause.




Purple Coneflower

Purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea, is commonly known as Echinacea. The plant may also be referred to as the Eastern Purple Coneflower. The plant can be naturally found in the Midwest portion of North America.

However, it is also found in eastern North America, as well. The flower thrives in a moist environment. While the plant prefers moisture, it can also be found in dry prairie land, as well. Purple coneflower has been known to withstand drought once it is established. The flower prefers direct sunlight and cannot tolerate the shade.
Purple coneflower
Purple coneflowers grow naturally in open wooded areas. The plant has beautiful purple petals with a brown, spiny pistil or middle portion. The petals often droop to the side of the spiny, cone-shaped middle.

The leaves of the flower have a rough texture and also possess small hairs. However, they do not always have hairs. The leaf blades may have 1 to 5 nerves present in odd numbers.

Visitors of their habitat can often find the flowers swaying in the wind in the meadows or prairie land. The plant typically reaches up to 140 cm in height. The purple coneflower is hermaphroditic, which means that it has both male and female parts associated with the plant.

Bees and butterflies contribute to the pollination process. The flower thrives when the daily temperature fluctuates. Seed germination is best promoted in this type of environment. Echinacea has many wonderful medicinal properties that boost the individual’s immune system. The plant has also been known to work as an anti-depressant.

History and Origin of Usage

Purple coneflowers can be found in the Ateraceae family. The flowers are herbaceous plants. Echinacea is a genus of nine species of this particular family. The name originates from the Greek word “echinos” which means hedge hog.

The name refers to the spiked middle portion of the flower. “Cone Flower”, the common name, was given because the middle portion resembles a cone when the petals fold downward. The plant blooms in early to late summer. The flower reseeds in the fall. Though the purple coneflowers primary use is for medicinal purposes, many people also use the attractive plant to adorn their gardens, as well. Purple coneflowers generally have long lives.

Native American Influence

Historically, the North American Plains Indians utilized the purple cone flower or Echinacea for medicinal purposes. Historians have found evidence that pointed towards using the popular flower for snakebite, anthrax and pain relief. Kiowa and Cheyenne tribes used the flower for coughs and sore throat ailments. The Pawnees used the flower for headaches.

The Sioux tribes, along with countless others, used the flower for an analgesic. The Native Americans discovered the medicinal plant after observing the elk in the wild. After being wounded or when sick, the elk would seek the plants and consume them. By the 1930s, Echinacea became a popular remedy in several regions, including Europe and North America.

Urban Legends or Myths Associated With Echinacea

Long before pharmaceuticals were introduced into modern society, herbal remedies played a role in the lives of historical beings. Though most pharmaceuticals originate from herbs, most Americans and some other modern cultures prefer the use of pharmaceuticals to herbs. Recent research in Europe has prompted many modern cultures to reconsider the healing powers of plants in their natural form.

Some common myths associated with the use of Echinacea are listed below

Myth: Echinacea could be toxic to the liver due to alkaloids.

Fact: Echinacea only contains minimal amounts of alkaloids. Therefore, it is non-toxic to liver unless consumed in extremely high doses. This fact was confirmed in the Bauer and Wagner study of Economic and Medicinal Plant Research.

Myth: Echinacea loses its effectiveness after 5 days of consumption.

Fact: According to a German study in 1989, a residual lingering effect occurred after its usage for approximately 2 days. During consumption, the phagocytosis process increased. After a 7 day period, the phagocytosis levels returned to normal.

Myth: Echinacea does not significantly reduce fever durations, symptoms or the effects of upper respiratory infections.

Fact: In 2003, the Journal of American Medical Association proved that purple coneflower or E. purpurea considerably reduced the effects of upper respiratory infections in children. Furthermore, studies show that Echinacea decrease the possibility of onset of future respiratory infections. This was determined after a 4 month trial.

Myth: Echinacea may exacerbate conditions such as tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, HIV and other autoimmune diseases.

Fact: There is no conclusive evidence. However, in rare instances, people with these conditions have experienced side effects.

In 1995, the Modern Phytotherapist suggested that individuals with these conditions may experience an inappropriate response due to the infectious microorganisms associated with the diseases. However, Echinacea may be helpful in eliminating the presence of some of these micro-organisms. Though there is no evidence indicating negative effects, physicians strongly advise this group not to use Echinacea.

Myth: Echinacea promotes birth defects in infants.

Fact:According to an article in the Archives of Internal Medicine, there is no conclusive evidence that Echinacea is associated with an increased risk of birth defects. Echinacea improved the symptoms of upper respiratory tract symptoms of over 80 percent of the pregnant women involved in the study. The study consisted of 206 pregnant women.

Studies are still being conducted to determine the effectiveness of Echinacea in fighting cancer. Although, experts suggest that Echinacea may prove beneficial in this role. Many individuals consume Echinacea to boost their immune system and combat fatigue associated with cancer. Hundreds of clinical trials are conducted to prove the benefits of the popular herbal remedy.

How Echinacea is Processed for Consumption

The process of making Echinacea is difficult to control because of the extraction method. This phenomenon is due in part to the contamination or other factors may degrade the potency of the herb. Individuals who desire to make Echinacea at home will most likely form a tincture. A tincture is a liquid form of a herb used for medicinal treatment.

To preserve the tincture, glycerin, alcohol or vinegar is used to make it potent for up to two years. Echinacea is easy to grow at home. Because the plant is easy to grow, individuals often keep a ready supply in stock. The tincture is also easy to prepare as well. Aside from Echinacea leaves and alcohol, a glass jar, sieve, cheesecloth, and a storage container with a dropper will be needed for making a tincture. Experts recommend brandy, vodka, or rum as the alcohol ingredient.

Step 2

The leaves are chopped and placed into the glass canning jar. The leaves are covered with alcohol to cover the crumbled dried leaves. The mixture is stored in a dark place for two weeks. The jar should be agitated every couple of days.

Check the alcohol levels as they may absorb the alcohol. Add more alcohol as needed. After two weeks, the mixture should turn brown. Place the cheesecloth in a sieve. Then pour the mixture into the cheesecloth to extract the liquid. Store the liquid in a dark brown eyedropper bottle. The alcohol should preserve the liquid for at least two years.

Making Tea

To make a tea, the leaves should be crumbled in a sieve containing a cheesecloth. Hot boiling water should be poured over the leaves. For best results, the leaves will steep in the water sit for 5 minutes. Then, the straining process will be completed.

The concoction may be consumed with lemon or honey to enhance the flavor of the Echinacea tea. If the leaves are dried, two teaspoons are required to make a herbal tea concoction. If the leaves are fresh, a quarter cup of fresh material is used. Bark or seeds may also be used, if the recipe calls for it. Two teaspoons of seeds are recommended for the best blend and also, 1 tablespoon of bark.

The pill form of the product must undergo a pharmaceutical process to formulate the pill form from extracts. Most individuals are not equipped to make the pill form of Echinacea at home. Though, home pill processing is possible by a skilled individual.

Benefits of Echinacea

  • Alleviates symptoms of colds, coughs, flu, and upper respiratory conditions
  • Soothes sore throat and enlarged lymph nodes
  • Eases the symptoms of urinary tract infections
  • Prevents and combats herpes and candida
  • Fights infections
  • Improves the skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema
  • Strengthens the immune system by promoting T-cell activation
  • Used topically for wounds or burns
  • May fight cancer

Germany has been the leader in research relating to Echinacea’s benefits. Though Americans have preferred antibiotics, Europe is a strong believer in the healing powers of Echinacea. Experts have deemed Echinacea as a natural antibiotic, because it suppresses a virus’s activities. In addition to phenols, Echinacea also contains flavonoids, copper, iron, iodine, potassium, and vitamins A, C, and E.

Echinacea is not recommended for individuals who have HIV, multiple sclerosis, or tuberculosis. Echinacea may cause the blood to thin and may exacerbate problems such as, HIV.

Types of Echinacea or Purple Coneflower

Types of Echinacea

Currently, there are three varieties of Echinacea.

  • Echinacea Purpurea
  • Echinacea Pallida
  • Echinacea Angustifolia

Each plant functions to promote a healthy immune system and fight infection. Most varieties of the plant will shorten the duration of a common cold.

Echinacea serves as one of the most popular remedies for respiratory illness.

How to Select an Echinacea Product

Consumers of the Echinacea product are recommended to select a product with standardized extract. Standardized extract ensures that the individual is receiving a controlled dosage of the herbal remedy. High levels of Echinacea are also found in standardized extract. Large traces of Echinacea improve the potency of the herbal remedy.

Most Echinacea tinctures are made with alcohol for preservation. To avoid drug interactions, experts also recommend alcohol free Echinacea. This form of Echinacea may be found in stores or online. Check the label for an indicator.

Quality of Echinacea products differ based upon the ingredients. Some patient’s bodies respond better to a combination of Echinacea plants or purple coneflower combined into one dosage. Other patients prefer one single type of Echinacea plants. Consumers are encouraged to find the correct combination that works for them.

Forms of Echinacea

Echinacea is available for consumption in pill form, standardized extracts, tinctures and tea. Pills are often the most reliable dosage of the product. However, the other forms are equally effective. Pills should be taken with water and in the recommended dosage on the manufacturer’s label.

Liquid forms of Echinacea should be measured according to the manufacturer’s label and taken as directed. Echinacea leaves can be brewed to form a tea for drinking. Topical Echinacea should be applied externally to the wound or affected area.

Patients are instructed to not use the different forms of Echinacea together at the same time. For instance, a topical dosage of Echinacea should not be combined with an oral dosage. Only a physician can recommend various combinations. To maintain the effectiveness of Echinacea, the product should be stored away from direct light. A cabinet with closed doors is an ideal storage spot.

Recommended Dosage for Echinacea

Patients who take Echinacea for the common cold should take the herb as soon as the symptoms surface. Experts recommend patients take Echinacea three weeks at a time. After the three week period, the patient should rotate to other herbs designed to boost the immune system. This process will help patients avoid negative effects associated with Echinacea.

Consumers should follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on the label, because the product varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Herbs are difficult to control and there are no universal standardized dosages for the herb. The dosages vary in terms of active chemical composition. However, the most effective forms of Echinacea contain at least 3 grams of the herb. This recommended dosage should be taken daily for the most benefits.


Patients who are suffering from multiple sclerosis, AIDS, leukemia, tuberculosis, or rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are strongly urged against taking Echinacea.

There is no conclusive evidence to support the claim. However, physicians prefer to err on the side of caution to avoid any complications. The body’s production of white blood cells or T-cells may exacerbate these conditions.

The medication should not be taken for more than 10 days in a row. Children between the ages of 1 and 12 should not take the medication. Echinacea’s effects on the immune system of children are not well documented. Therefore, to avoid unpredictable complications, it is not recommended for that age group. Pregnant and lactating mothers should also not take the herb to avoid complications with the unborn fetus or infant.

Echinacea may interact with other medications.

Individuals who are taking any of the following drugs should consult their physician prior to consumption

  • Steroids
  • Betamethasone
  • Dexamethasone
  • Cortisone
  • Hydrocortisone
  • Methylprednisolone
  • Prednisone
  • Prednisolone
  • Trimcinolone
  • Cyclosporine
  • Tacrolimus
  • Azathioprine
  • Methotrexate
  • Azathiprine

If the patient has any other concerns, it is recommended to consult a physician or a homeopathic specialist to determine the appropriate regimen for the patient.

Active Ingredients

The most active and immune enhancing ingredients are polysaccharides, alkylamides, caftaric acid and cichoric acid. Each phenol compound is commonly found in many of the purple coneflower plants. Other phenol compounds include echinacoside, which is found in species such as E.Angustifolia and E. pallid roots. The base of Echinacea is complex.

The chemicals range in effect and potency. Each component serves in stimulation or modulating the immune system.

Another popular healing phenol is found in green tea. Though it does not originate from the popular purple cone flower, the tea has been known to reduce cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, weight loss, reduce stress, and prevent fatigue. Because of the antioxidants people who consumed green tea survived longer than those who did not. Green tea neutralizes free radicals known to cause cancer. Green tea is popular in Asian cultures traditionally. Recently, it has become more popular in North America.

Side Effects

There are no common side effects associated with Echinacea when ingested orally. Some patients may experience asthma, rashes, allergic reactions and anaphylaxis. However, these instances were rare. When tested in clinical trials, patients most often experienced gastrointestinal side effects.

However, this side effect was also rare. Some other individuals may also experience headache, muscle aches, nausea, sore throat, upset stomach, dizziness or drowsiness.

People who are allergic to daisies, marigolds, chrysanthemums and ragweed are more likely to experience allergic reactions to Echinacea. Individuals with asthma or atopy may also experience allergic reaction more commonly than most. Patients should use caution when ingesting the herbal remedy.

Studies of Echinacea or Purple Coneflower

Studies have shown that Echinacea can reduce the likelihood of contracting a common cold by more than a half. The same studies conclude that individuals who consume Echinacea will shorten the duration of a cold on average by 1.4 days. Both University of Connecticut and University of Maryland prove this finding in 10 to 14 different studies respectively.

Famous People Who Have Used It

Several celebrities have tried alternative methods or holistic medicine which may include the use of Echinacea. Gwyneth Paltrow is a supporter of alternative medicine techniques. Echinacea may have been included in her regimen. Madonna also supports alternative medicine and herbalism of which Echinacea may be a part of her regimen.

Many celebrities practice homeopathy. The “Bach Flower Remedies” are associated to this natural medicinal practice. The process involves combining the crushed flower with brandy or other alcohols. Echinacea tinctures are made via this process and may be included in this type of remedy. A brief, but not exhaustive,

list of celebrities who participate in homeopathic therapies are as follows

  • Catherine Zeta-Jones
  • Tina Turner
  • Jerry Hall
  • Whoopi Goldberg
  • Jane Fonda
  • Queen Elizabeth
  • Cindy Crawford
  • Cher
  • Olivia Newton-John
  • Martina Navratilova
  • Tony Blair
  • Boris Becker
  • Pamela Anderson

Most celebrities are supporters of natural remedies and natural practices. Echinacea may be a part of the regimen for many of the celebrities. This method, among others, allows celebrities to maintain their health and physique. Echinacea is also known to assist with weight loss.

Product Costs and Discounts

The cost of the product depends upon the form the individual chooses for purchase. For instance, a pack of 16 bags of Echinacea tea may cost between $3 and $4. Alternatively, the patient may select to purchase the pill form of Echinacea.

The price of the pill form varies significantly depending upon quality of the product and the number of pills in the package. In general, 60 1000 mg capsules may cost between $30 and $40 per bottle retail. Alternatively, 100 400 mg capsules may cost an individual between $10 and $12 retail.

Throat Spray

Echinacea throat spray may be obtained for a similar price. A 2 oz. bottle of liquid Echinacea will run between $10 and $15 retail. The kids’ formula is also available for a similar price. Many of the kids’ products are flavored with peppermint or other desirable flavor to encourage ingestion.

Many individuals may find discounts online and in other types of stores. Some herbal remedy clubs also exist. An individual who can secure a discount may receive as much as 60 percent off of the retail price. Many discounts are found online and through GNC type stores.


